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Is It Worth Buying From Thomann in USA & Canada?

Hello there, back again with another unique, helpful and highly important piece of content for you! This article is aimed at my American and Canadian visitors who are seeking high-value purchases from Thomann.

Here I will provide you with an additional article that is linked to my “Buying From Thomann Ships to USA & Canada” article.

In that article, I wanted to introduce the best musical instrument retailer, Thomann and also wanted to create a buying guide for my visitors mainly from the USA and Canada as well as the Americas continent.

That article has been one of the highest performing content out there, has ranked in the top 3 on Google search results and also helped dozens of musicians with their purchase at Thomann.

So a big thank you to all who have read, shared and benefited from my work! 🙂

To create more value for my visitors, now I’m publishing this article to answer a single massive question:

Is it worth buying from Thomann in the USA & Canada? 

At first glance, this question seems to be an easy one, but when you dig into details and analyse the potential value, you will realise that it takes a tremendous amount of time to deliver a useful answer!

At the moment, Thomann features around 2300 musical instrument brands with over 100000 products!

Check out the best guitar pickup company, Seymour Duncan here!

Check out the best guitar pickup company, Seymour Duncan here!

But which brands and products would be worth buying from Thomann overseas?

Let’s dive into the question and refine our answer. The first thing to consider is the origin of the companies. We can omit Canadian and American brands as it doesn’t make sense to buy a local product from a German reseller.

Now we have every musical instrument manufacturer except US and Canadian origin. Are we done yet? No! 🙂

This time we have to determine whether a product type/category would be worth the effort.

For software and plugins, it’s always easier to obtain the products anywhere in the world as they are downloadable items. So we will remove them too.

There’s also a major category that we may omit: music education books and printed materials as it’s easy to buy books anywhere in the world online. On top of that, since they are not high-priced items, the total shipping and customs fees would give this purchase a bad value.

It’s already very refined information, however, I also removed some brands that offer single, easy-to-find products that can be bought anywhere online.

As I have mentioned earlier, this question seems to be an easy one. To achieve these insights, I literally went through 2300 brands individually and worked on these insights for months. So please do share this piece of content with your friends 🙂

Out of 2300 brands, we have 1186 musical instrument brands and companies that you can buy from Thomann as an American or a Canadian buyer while maintaining a high-value purchase.

In this table, you will see a couple of columns with the company/brand name that directly goes to the respective product pages of those brands as well as country information, category information and remarks section.

Note that you will have more than enough keywords and descriptive words in remarks and category columns so, with this advanced table, you are now able to search any keywords by using the search box.

Try: “Thomann’s exclusive” keywords and see those brands below showing up!

Thomann’s Exclusive and Direct Imports

Botex, Brümmer, Echolette, Flyht Pro, Fun Generation, Harley Benton, Hemingway, Ignition, Lead Foot, Millenium, Roadworx, Roth & Junius, Scala Vilagio, Sirus, Stairville, Swissonic, Syrincs, the box, the box pro, the sssnake, the t.akustik, the t.amp, the t.bone, the t.mix, the t.pc, the t.racks, Thomann, Thon, Varytec, Zultan.

*Visitors using mobile devices: Did you know that you can scroll this table horizontally? Try it with the table below!

2boxElectronic DrumsGerman company featuring electronic drums, drum modules, accessories, related parts
9.solutionsClamps/MountsPossibly a Chinese manufacturer making various clamps, bolts, rigging accessories, mounts for displays
A.B. RosinsRosinsBritish company featuring a couple of highly-rated rosins
AA CraaftTweeter/DiaphramGerman manufacturer making various tweeters, speaker diaphragms
ABCCello/Violin Bow CorrectorsChinese manufacturer featuring cello, violin bow corrector add-ons
ABL SursumEvent Equipment/PlugsGerman manufacturer featuring event, stage equipment plugs
ABMGuitar Parts/Bridges/TremoloGerman manufacturer making high-quality guitar parts, bridges, tremolos
AcamaTherapy Singing BowlsAustrian manufacturer making very unique products: featuring singing bowls for therapy
AccessAnalogue SynthsGerman analogue synth manufacturer, famous for their Virus line synths
Eurorack modules
German company making various analogue synths, preamps, amps in Eurorack module format
AcmeWhistles/SirensBritish made high-quality whistles and sirens
Acura MeisterViolin Endpins/TailpiecesIndian made high-quality endpins, tailpieces and parts for violin
AcusAcoustic AmpsHigh-end Italian made acoustic amps for acoustic instruments
AdamReference Monitors/
Proaudio Equipment
Industry-leading German brand for reference monitors and pro audio equipment
Adam HallStage/Light/
Sound Equipment
Industry-leading German brand for stage equipment as well as light and pro-audio-related gears
AdamsBrass/PercussionsDutch brass instruments manufacturer making a wide array of brass instruments as well as percussions
ADDACCrossover Modular/
Eurorack Modules
Portuguese made high-end modular, crossover equipment
Adler HeinrichWooden RecorderGerman-made baroque recorders
AERAcoustic AmpsGerman-made acoustic amps for acoustic instruments
AerodrumsAir DrummingBritish made, innovative air-drumming device
African PercussionsPercussionsAfrican Percussions brand is rarely available in online store rather than on Thomann, featuring various djembes and percussions
AfrotonPercussionsGerman-made affordable percussions
agiftyGiftsAustrian made gifts in the context of musical instruments
AgnerDrum SticksSwiss made affordable drum sticks
Air CellStrapsKorean made high-quality straps for cello, bass and a variety of carrying cases
AizenSax MouthpieceJapanese made high-quality sax mouthpieces, buying from Thomann definitely secures price edge
AJH SynthCrossover Modular/

Eurorack Modules
British manufacturer featuring crossover modular gear in Eurorack module format
AK DrumsSnares/AccessoriesItalian made boutique, high-end snares
AKAI ProfessionalSamplers/Groove Boxes/
MIDI Wind Instruments
Legendary Japanese brand making samplers, groove boxes, keyboards, controllers, plugins, software, MIDI wind instruments
AlanMicrophonesPossibly a subbrand of Telefunken, featuring a couple of loudspeaker microphones, headsets
Handheld Devices
Possibly a German manufacturer featuring intercoms, handheld devices
AlexanderHorns/Cases for BrassGerman-made high-quality horn cases and horns
Alexander ReedsSax/Clarinet ReedsPossibly a Japanese manufacturer making saxophone and clarinet reeds
Alfons NeumannAlp HornsA very unique musical instrument called Alp Horns, also accessories for these folk wind instrument
Alfred Stingl by HöfnerViolin/Cello/
Double Bass/Accessories
German-made high-end violins, cellos, double basses.
Nylon String Classical Guitars
Spanish made high-end nylon string classical guitars
Allen & HeathAnalogue/Dijital MixerIndustry-leading, high-end analogue and digital mixers, sound equipment
AllianceBrass MouthpiecesBritish made, high-quality brass mouthpieces
String Instruments for Therapy/
German-made very unique, hand-made monochords, string instruments for therapy
AlpineHearing ProtectionDutch made high-quality hearing protection products
Alpine MuteViolin/Viola MutesAustralian made high-quality mutes for violin and viola
AltusFlutesJapanese made boutique flutes
Breakout Cables
Possibly a subbrand of RME Audio, featuring a more affordable line of RME Babyface cards. Only featuring breakout cables, rackmount stuff
Amalio BurguetNylon String Classical GuitarsHandmade in Spain, boutique level nylon string/flamenco classical guitars
AmbientBNC/Transmitter CablesGerman brand specialized in transmitter cables
AmpetronicHearing Loop Systems/
Conference Audio
British made hearing loop induction systems, conference audio products
AmphenolJack Plugs/ConnectorA wide variety of jack plugs, connectors and related accessories from an Australian manufacturer
AMS NeveMicrophone Preamps/
British pro audio company featuring microphones, preamps, compressors, limiters and EQ
AMTGuitar Pedals/PreampsExcellent sounding guitar preamp/pedals from Russia
Analogue SolutionsAnalogue Modular SynthsBritish analogue synth manufacturer featuring various modular synths
AndexingerPiano Stools & BenchesHigh-end stools and benches for piano from a boutique German company
Andreas Martin HofmeirTuba MouthpiecesGerman-made tuba mouthpieces
Angel LopezNylon String Classical GuitarsBelgian origin EMD music company's brand for thin body, concert nylon string classical guitar
AngelbirdSSD/Storage DrivesAustrian company making SSD for Atomos recorders
Anka VerlagGiftsGifts for musicians from a German company
AnsmannBattery/Power Bank/
Charger/USB Cables/
A German company focuses on batteries, power banks, chargers, USB cables.
ANTActive Speakers/PA/
Mixers/Stage Equipment
A pretty young Italian company that focuses on active speakers, pa systems, mixers, wireless microphone sets. Very rare to find on the internet, Thomann is full of their products in stock.
AntariSmoke MachinesTaiwan manufacturer making stage equipment, only featuring smoke machines
AntelopeAudio Interfaces/Mic/
Antelope Audio is a Bulgarian pro audio company with progressive products in audio interfaces, mics, converters and pro audio equipment field.
Antoine CourtoisTrombones/SaxophonesA long-established French company manufacturing handmade trombones, saxophones and saxhorns. Boutique level quality and price tags.
Antonio Pinto CarvalhoCases for Specific Guitars/
A Portuguese company specialized in folk guitars, also manufacturers strings and cases for them
Antonio RubenNylon String Classical GuitarsHandmade in Germany, high-quality nylon string classical guitars
AodyoWireless Electronic Wind InstrumentsVery innovative French company focuses on its unique wireless electronic wind instruments with related accessories
Äolis KlangspieleFolklore Instruments/
German company focusing on instruments for music therapy, kanteles, monochords, folklore instruments and related accessories
ApartPA Equipment for Clubs/
PA Systems/Speakers
A very unique and high-quality Belgian made PA equipment, specialized in sound systems for restaurants, clubs, hospitals
AphexChannel Strips/ProaudioAussie made pro audio equipment, channel strips, exciter, preamps
AppsysMultiformat Converter/SplitterSwiss-made, boutique-quality multiformat digital converters.
AputureFloodlight/Lighting/LEDGreat lighting equipment for Youtubers
Folklore Instrument Strings
Italian made, specialized strings for guitar, banjo, ukulele, folklore instruments
ARNOLD LichttechnikLightingGerman lighting manufacturer featuring a gooseneck desk lamp
Arnolds & SonsWind Instruments/
A small German company with a wide variety of wind instruments and accessories
ARRILighting Solutions/
German-made lighting products
Art of MusicMusic Score Accessories/
Gifts for Musicians
COO not available, really cool and unique gift&jewelry products for musicians as well as magnets for music notation stands/pen holders
ArtecAmps/Guitar Pedals/
Really cool brand from South Korea. Famous for their very affordable effect pedals and amps
Bow Instruments Accessories
German-made, high-quality violins and many bow instruments accessories
ArtonusGuitar/Bow Instruments CasesA Polish brand for guitar&bow instruments
ArturiaDigital Audio Software/
MIDI Keyboards/
Software/Audio Interfaces
Very unique French brand for digital audio software, MIDI keyboards, synths, audio interface
ArundosClarinet ReedsGerman reed brand for clarinets
aSClarinet/Saxophone Accessories/
Brass Mutes
COO not available, unique product line within clarinet/sax accessories and mutes for trumpets
AshdownBass Guitars/Preamps/
Cabinet/Combos for Bass Guitars
Very cool British company specialized in bass guitar amps, cabinets, heads and also bass guitars.
Asian SoundGongs/Therapy Singing BowlsGerman company focusing on instruments for music therapy, singing bowls, gongs
ASMDigital Wave Morphing SynthsHigh-quality Chinese designed and engineered synths
AsparionDAW ControllersDAW controllers from a German start-up
astat PremiumVinyl CleanerVinyl records cleaner in spray form from a German manufacturer
Aston MicrophonesMicrophones/
Recording Accessories
Award-winning microphones from a British company
AsturiasNylon String Classical GuitarsJapanese company making high-quality, classical guitars for professional level
AteisInstallation AmpsDutch company making installation amps, audio gear
Atelier des CuivresTrumpet MouthpiecesFrench company making custom artist series trumpet mouthpieces, such as Ibrahim Maalouf, Arban
Atelier DonatBrass MouthpiecesFrench company featuring brass mouthpieces for professional players
AtomosVideo/AV Mixers/
Australian company featuring video production tools, AV mixers, monitoring devices, related accessories and cables
ATVElectronic DrumsIt's high-end electronic drums and related accessories made in Japan
AubertBow Instruments BridgesVery old French company specialized in bow instruments bridges
AudientAudio Interfaces/Proaudio/
Console Mixers/Controller
British made audio interfaces, mixers, consoles
Audio ProCondenser Headset MicrophonesGerman company focuses on condenser headset microphones. Only a couple of items listed though.
Industry-leading Japanese brand for microphones and headphones as well as some turntables
AudiowerkzeugDI Boxes/
Audio Interfaces
German manufacturer mainly focuses on DI Boxes and audio interfaces
August Richard HammigFlutesProfessional level, boutique handmade flutes from a German company.
AulosRecordersJapanese brand specialized in every type of recorders.
Definitely, a unique company focusing on lyres, monochords and overtone flutes from Sweden
AurusWoodwind Emboucher TrainersGerman company featuring a single woodwind embouchure trainer item
Austrian AudioMicrophones/
Cool Austrian company focuses on high-end microphones and headphones.
AustroducksGifts for MusiciansAustrian company manufacturing duck toys form of legendary Austrian musicians
AV StumpflProjection Screens/AccessoriesHigh-end projection screens and related accessories from an Austrian company
AvengerLighting Stands/Trussing Sets/

Clamps/Bolts/Light Shapers
Manfrotto's lighting stand, trussing brand also featuring clamps, bolts, light shapers
AvolitesLighting Solutions/
British made, high-end lighting products, consoles
AW ReedsSaxophone/
Clarinet Reeds
German company manufacturing reeds for saxophone and clarinets
Axel RittGuitar PedalsGrave Digger's guitar player Axel Ritt's own brand from Germany. Only a single pedal available
German manufacturer mainly focuses on intercom devices, headsets, power amps and related accessories
AzumiFlutesHigh-end flutes from a Japanese manufacturer
An Italian company that focuses on loudspeakers and speaker components. As there is no direct online store in the Americas, Thomann is the best place to buy
B&SBrass InstrumentsB&S is a very well known brass instruments manufacturer from Germany. Highly praised professional level instruments
B.AirSaxophone StrapsJapanese company focuses on high-quality sax straps.
B.K.Clarinet ReedsSmall German manufacturer focuses on clarinet reeds
Cajon Construction Kits/
Percussions for Kids
German company specialized in cajons, cajon construction kits, percussion for kids. Very unique, a small manufacturer
BalamSaxophone StrapsHighly likely a Korean company focusing on sax straps. Even though their website down, it's highly preferred straps, definitely check these out if you are buying from the USA or Canada
bamCases for Bow InstrumentsFrench company manufacturing high-quality cases for bow instruments
BananazHearing ProtectionTheir website is directed to Alpine Earplugs website, probably under the same company. Dutch made high-quality hearing protection products
BandLabDAW/Audio InterfacesFounded by the mastermind behind Cakewalk software. Bandlab is a collaborative DAW for musicians. They have also an audio interface
Bare KnuckleGuitar/Bass PickupsBritish made high-quality handmade pickups.
BasixDrum AccessoriesChinese company specialized in drums, cymbals, stands and drum related accessories. Even though only 2 items available, it's worth checking out for cheaper solutions
Bass Drum O'sDrum RingsCOO information not available. Worth checking out for product availability
Baton RougeAcoustic/Nylon String/
Resonator Guitars/Ukulele
Very cool German company specialized in acoustic, nylon string guitars, resonator guitars, ukuleles, folk guitars. Excellent array of instruments with very affordable prices
BaxxtarBattery Charger/BatteriesGerman company making battery charges and batteries for NP-F types
BazziniViolinsOnly a single violin available, designed in Italy, made in China and set up in Germany. Excellent price/performance ratio
Beat RootTongue DrumsFrench company manufacturing tongue drums
BeatwareCymbal SprayGerman manufacturer featuring a single cymbal spray
BefacoModular/Eurorack ModulesSpanish company focuses on Eurorack modules for envelopes, expander, drums, mixers
BehringerPA/Audio Interface/

Behringer is a powerful company that dominates a lot of categories in the MI business
BellacuraInstrument Maintenance/

Highly rated instrument cleaning products from a Germany manufacturer
BelvelinShoulder Rests for Cello/ViolinHigh quality Swedish made shoulder rests for violin
BerdaniBow Instruments PartsBoutique level bow instruments parts from a German company
Berg LarsenSaxophone MouthpiecesHigh-end saxophone mouthpieces for almost every type of sax from a Belgian company
BergeraultOrchestral Percussions/AccessoriesA French company manufacturing boutique level orchestral percussions marimbas, vibraphones, timpanis, Orff instruments
Bernd Hiller & SohnViolinsBoutique level, hand-made violins from a German manfucaturer
Bernd HoffmannBrass Buzzer/TrainerHand-made, wooden brass buzzer, practice aids from a German company
Berolina ManufakturMusic Stand ExtensionMusic stand extensions for professional musicians, very unique products
BessonBrass InstrumentsWorld-famous brass band instruments by a French company
Best BrassBrass Instruments/

A very innovative Japanese company that focuses on some brass instruments, mouthpiece and mutes
BettermakerAnalogue Mastering Racks/

Analogue mastering equipment from Poland
beyerdynamicHeadphones/MicrophonesLeading German company in headphones, microphones for pro audio work
BeymaLoudspeakers/AccessoriesSpanish company focuses on loudspeakers and related accessories
BGClarinet Ligatures/

A nice small French manufacturer for clarinet ligatures, caps, stands, straps and many more accessories
BigBuzzBrass Practice AidPossibly a Dutch company, featuring brass practice aids for trumpets, horns. Almost like a rotation BERP
BittnerInstallation AmpsGerman pro-audio company making professional level installation amps and power amps
Black CorporationAnalogue SynthsBoutique level analogue synths from a Japanese brand
Blackmagic DesignVideo/AV Mixers/CamerasLeading Australian company specialized in video equipment, video/av mixers, cameras
BLACKPANTHERSYSTEMKeyboard StandsGerman company manufacturing high-quality keyboard stands with multiple racks
BlackstarGuitar/Bass Amps/PedalsBritish made innovative guitar and bass amps, pedals, effects
BluGuitarGuitar Amp/Pedal/CabinetsVery innovative German company manufacturing stompbox format power + preamp for guitar and bass
BlüthnerAcoustic PianosOld established grand piano company from Germany, boutique & pro-level acoustic grand pianos
Blüthner HaesslerAcoustic PianosOld established grand piano company from Germany, boutique & pro-level acoustic grand pianos
BMSLoudspeakers/AccessoriesGerman-made loudspeakers in various sizes
Bogaro & ClementeBow Instrument AccessoriesOnly rosins available, Italian company manufacturing bow instrument accessories
BoldStraps for Marching Orchestra InstrumentsGerman-made, high-quality straps for marching instruments
BomeMIDI Router/Mapping SoftwareHighly unique German company focusing on MIDI Routers/Mappers and Translator software
BonacchiCello Floor ProtectorsMade by GEWA, only a cello floor protection product available. COO information not available
BondixViolin BowsHigh-quality violin bows from Germany(?). COO information not clearly available
BonmusicaViolin/Viola Shoulder RestA very well-known brand for shoulder rests, German-made, industry standard
BorganiSaxophonesBoutique level saxophones, only a single item available
BoschPower Amps/

Wall Speakers/

Globally recognized Bosch's power amp mixers, wall speakers, microphone and security facilities gear
BostonKeyboard Bags/Pickguards/

Musical Instruments Accessories
Dutch company focusing on all sorts of musical instruments, very few products available Thomann
BotexLighting Equipment/ComponentThomann's exclusive brand specialized in lighting gear and components
Bound FreeCello/Violin BowsCOO information not available, since it's made of carbon, you can travel with it without having to carry a CITES certificate hence the name suggests "Bound Free"
Bow BrandHarp StringsBritish brand specialized in harp strings
Bowers & WilkinsSpeaker Systems/

Boutique level speaker, audio equipment and headphones from a British company
BrandBrass MouthpiecesSwiss-made, plastic mouthpieces which offer an excellent quality covering many rim sizes and shapes
Brass BagsCases for Brass InstrumentsHigh-quality brass bags from a British company
BraunerMicrophonesBoutique level extreme precision microphones from a German company
BremnerBrass MutesHigh-quality brass mutes from New Zealand
BrennenstuhlPower Cables/Power Distributors/

LED Torches/

Compact Light Controllers
German company focusing on power-related products, cables, distributors, LED torches, light controllers
BreslmairBrass MouthpiecesAustrian company specialized in brass mouthpieces
BrillantWind Instrument Cleaning ProductsCOO information not available, cleaning products for wind instruments
British Drum CompanyDrums/SnaresHigh quality, minimalist drum sets and snare made in the UK
BrümmerGuitar SetsThis brand is probably Thomann's exclusive brand which includes Harley Benton and other made in EU, entry-level instruments
Bruno TilzBrass MouthpiecesGerman company specialized in brass mouthpieces
BubblebeeLavalier Microphones/

A very unique company from Denmark, focusing on lavalier mics and related accessories
Buffet CramponWoodwind/BrasswindVery well-known and respected French brand for clarinets, saxophones and accessories
BugeraGuitar/Bass Amps/AccessoriesBugera is a subbrand of Behringer/MusicTribe, very affordable guitar/bass amps
BulgheroniClarinetsBoutique level clarinets from Italy
BulldogGuitar HangersSmall Belgian manufacturer making guitar hangers and related parts
BurghardtPiano Stools & BenchesHigh-quality German manufactured piano stools and benches
BuzzBuddyMouthpiece Comfort PadsAustralian company focusing on a single product, trumpet, horn mouthpiece comfort pad that helps people with braces, dental work
C. Robert HopfAutoharp/Bags/CasesGerman manufacturer making nice quality autoharps and related bags, cases
C.A. Seydel SöhneHarmonicas/Melodicas/

German company famous for its wide product line for harmonicas, melodicas, related books and accessories


French company featuring trumpets, flugelhorn, sousaphone, accessories and related parts
C:DIXString Instrument Bows/Cases/BridgesGerman manufacturer featuring carbon bows for violin, cello, cases and bridges for string instruments
CabroxCable Winder/Stage BoxesTurkish brand making very cool designed cable winder, stage boxes
Canford AudioLampsBritish pro audio company, Thomann only features studio lamps for recording, on-air signs
CanopusSnare Wires/Ball BearingsJapanese drum company featuring snare wires, ball bearings and parts
CarbondixString Instrument BowsGerman manufacturer featuring carbon bows for violin, cello
Carl MartinGuitar Effect PedalsDanish company making unique guitar effect pedals, power supplied and related accessories
CarlssonDouble Bass RosinsSwedish company featuring a double bass rosin
Carol BrassTrumpet/Cornet/Flugelhorn/

Trombone/Brass Mouthpieces/

Spare Parts
Taiwanese company manufacturing high quality yet very affordable brass instruments, trumpets, trombones, flugelhorn, cornets, brass mouthpieces and related brass spare parts
CaschaUkuleles/Straps/BooksGerman company making affordable yet high-quality ukuleles with cool designs, also featuring straps and related educational material for ukuleles
CasioKeyboards/Digital Pianos/

Japanese brand famous for their keyboards, digital pianos, arranger pianos also featuring related pedals for keys and bags
CatchboxThrowable MicrophoneLatvian company with one of the most unique design microphone concepts for increasing engagements within the audience, classes, conferences with a throwable microphone idea
Cavern ClubUkulelesA UK company, a.k.a. the birthplace of Beatles, featuring a single ukulele with wall cover
CAZZ SnareSnaresSmall German manufacturer making high-segmented snares and related snare bags
CebullaSaxophone StrapsGerman company making leather saxophone straps in many different sizes
CelestionSpeakersWorld-famous British speaker brand featuring replacement speakers for guitar amps, bass amps, PA systems
CerevoAudio Converter/

Streaming Tools/Video Mixers
Japanese brand making video streaming tools, video mixers, converters
CervenyBaritones/TubasCzech company (Amati's) making baritones, tubas
ChamSysDMX Lighting Control Consoles/

British lighting gear company featuring a full line of DMX lighting control consoles, interfaces
Chapman GuitarsElectric GuitarsWorld's first collaboratively designed guitar company, featuring cool design electric guitars
Chicken PicksGuitar PicksDutch guitar picks company making the most durable guitar picks ever
ChieftainIrish FlutesSmall British manufacturer making flutes designed by Phil Hardy. This is probably the same brand as the below one
Chieftain ThunderbirdIrish FlutesSmall British manufacturer making flutes designed by Phil Hardy
Christian LindbergTrombone MouthpiecesTrombone mouthpieces from a Swedish trombonist, possibly a personal branding
Christoph HeftrigSaxophone MouthpiecesGerman saxophone players mouthpiece line for tenor and alto sax
CioksPower Supplies/

Guitar Effect Accessories/

Pedal Board Accessories
Danish company making power supplies, accessories and related cables

Music Education Books
British company making whistles, flutes, kazoos and related books
Classic LineDouble Bass StringsMade by GEWA, featuring double bass strings
Click StickDrum Stick MountCOO information not available, this brand features drum stick mounts
ClicktronicHDMI/DVI CablesGerman company featuring a wide array of HDMI/DIV/Ethernet cables
CMAHeadphone StandGerman pro audio company, featuring only a single headphone stand
CMEMIDI Keyboard/

Wireless MIDI Adapters
Singapore based company featuring sleek designs MIDI keyboard, controller, wireless MIDI adapters, related accessories and parts
Cole ClarkAcoustic GuitarsAustralian guitar manufacturer making high segmented acoustic guitars
Coles ElectroacousticsRibbon Microphones/

Microphone Stand Adapters
British made high-quality, professional-level ribbon microphones also featuring stand adapters specifically made for those mics
Colophane 2000RosinsFrench manufacturer featuring single rosin for violin
ConcabLighting Multi Cables/

Power Cables
German cable manufacturer making a wide variety of multi cables, power cables for lighting, stage setups
Conrad GötzCello/Violin/Bows/Tuning Pegs/

Chin Rests/Tailpieces
German company featuring cellos, violins bows, tunings pegs, chin rests, tailpieces and related bow instruments parts, accessories
ContemporaneaSamba Percussions/

Brazilian company making samba percussions, sticks, mallets, agogos, bags


/Video Cables/PA Accessories
German cable manufacturer making a wide variety of mic, instrument, audio, video, patch, MIDI cables and PA accessories
CordierReed TrimmerFrench company making reed trimers for different types of saxophones
CorelliViolin/Viola/Double Bass StringsSavarez's products under this brand featuring double bass, violin, and viola
CornellGuitar Amps/Effect Pedals/

Speaker Cabinets
UK company featuring a small line of guitar amps, speaker cabs and effect pedals

Nylon String/Bass Guitars/

Guitar Amps/Acoustic Amps
South Korean brand for affordable instruments featuring electric guitars, basses, nylon strings, guitar amps, acoustic amps
CosmotronicEurorack ModulesDutch company making Eurorack modules
CrafterBridge Pin Remover/Preamps/

Humidity Controller
South Korean guitar company, featuring here only tech tools and guitar components
Cranborne AudioPreamps/Channel Strip/Rack SlotsBritish pro audio company featuring preamps, channel strips and rack slots
Crazy Tube CircuitsGuitar Effect PedalsGreek made guitar effect pedals, overdrives and some time-based effects
Crown By LarsenCello StringsDanish string manufacturer by Larsen, featuring cello strings
CrumarSynths/Stage Pianos/Electric Organs/

Power Supplies/Switches/

Sound Modules/Expansion/

Interfaces/MIDI Tools
Italian company featuring synths, organs, stage pianos, sound modules, expansion interfaces, MIDI tools as well as related footswitches, pedals, power supplies
Cuntz GuitarsAcoustic GuitarsGerman company making hand made, highest segmented acoustic guitars
CVW Crystal VideoWireless Video Transmitter/Interlink/MonitorChinese company focusing on wireless video transmitters, interlinks and monitors
Cyclone AnalogicSynths/Groove Box/Drum DroneFrench company making analogue synths, groove boxes, drum drones
Cymatic AudioLive Audio Recording/Interfaces/

Part of Riedel's product line, presented in the Netherlands, featuring live audio recording devices, interfaces, expansion units as well as related cables and accessories
CympadDrum Cymbal Felts/Drum DampersSwiss made drum dampers, cymbal felts
D&RBroadcast Consoles/

Radio Production Console/

Dutch company making mainly broadcast, radio production consoles, mixers, extenders
daCarboTrumpet/Flugelhorn/TromboneSwiss company making the finest brass instruments with a carbon fibre bell section
Damar & HagenBNC Connectors/Cables/Plugs/ToolsGerman company focusing on BNC connectors, cables, plugs and related tools
DAP-AudioInstallation Mixers/DJ Mixers/

Rack Mixers/Audio Players/

Wireless Systems/Lighting Cases
Dutch company focusing on installation mixers, DJ mixers, rack mixers, audio players, wireless systems, lighting cases
DarkglassBass Guitar Amps/Head Amps/Preamps/

Speaker Cabinets/Bass Pedals
Finnish company making bass guitar head amps, various speaker cabinets as well as bass guitar pedals and parts
DaslightLighting/DMX InterfaceSwiss company making DMX interfaces and lighting gear
DateqMeasuring Microphones/

Audio Level Guard/Limiters
Dutch company audio measuring tools as well as decibel meters with microphones, audio level guards, limiters
DatoSound Modules/SynthsDutch company making cool designed sound modules, synths especially for kids
Dave GuardalaSaxophone Mouthpieces/


German company focusing on all about saxophone mouthpieces, ligatures, caps, gumshields, straps and accessories
Dawner PrinceGuitar Effect PedalsCroatian pedal manufacturer featuring various guitar pedals
dB TechnologiesPA Systems/Speakers/Stage Monitors/

Lapel Microphones/Connectors
Italian pro audio company making a wide array of PA systems, stage monitors, lapel microphones, connectors, parts and accessories
ddtDrum TriggersGerman company focusing on drum triggers
DEA GuitarsNylon String GuitarsFrench guitar company making ergonomic nylon string classical guitars
DecksaverDJ Decksaver/Mixer/

Studio Gear Covers
British company making various protections, deck savers and covers for DJ gear, mixers, studio equipment
DecotrussTrussing/Trussing AccessoriesGerman trussing company, featuring 4 point trusses, deco truss and accessories
DeeflexxDeflection/Diffuser for AmpsAustrian company featuring very innovative diffusers, deflection products for guitar, bass, keyboard amps
DelockUSB/Thunderbolt CablesGerman company featuring a couple of USB, Thunderbolt cables
DEM-BROBrass MutesDutch company making various mutes for all brass family instruments
Denis WickBrass Mutes/MouthpiecesBritish company making brass mutes as well as mouthpieces covering all brass family
DespiauCello/Violin/Viola/Double Bass BridgesFrench company focusing on bridges for cello, violin, viola and double bass
DG De GregorioCajons/Cajon Methods/AccessoriesSpanish company making cajons, cajintos, yambus, methods and accessories
DictumString Instrument Accessories/Bags/


Chin Rests/Tailpieces/Parts
German company featuring high-quality string instruments cases, bags, hygrometers, humidifiers, chin rests, tailpieces, parts
Dieter OttoFrench HornGerman company making highest segmented French horns
Dieter SchradeSinging Bowls Rubber/ChimeGerman company focusing on singing bowls and related accessories. Thomann features singing bowls rubbers, chime
Dietrich PartsTuning Stabiliser for GuitarsGerman company making innovative hardware for guitars. Mounts on the headstock and helps tuning and intonation
DiezelGuitar Amps/Speakers Cabinets/

Effect Pedals/Footswitches
German guitar amp manufacturer also featuring speaker cabinets, effect pedals, footswitches
DiGiCoDigital Mixers/Mixer Accessories/

Expansion Cards/Multicore Systems
British pro audio company featuring digital mixers as well as related accessories, expansion cards, multicore systems
DiGiGridEthernet/MADI Interface/

Headphone Amplifier
DiGiCo's division for ethernet, MADI interfaces, headphones amplifiers
Digital SoundSound Measuring Tools/AccessoriesTaiwanese manufacturer making sound measuring tools and related accessories
DirectOutDigital Converters/Patchbays/

Expansion Cards/Power Supplies
German company focusing on digital converters, patch bays, expansion cards, installation matrix mixers and related power supplies
Dirk VandammeClarinet BarrelsBelgian company featuring clarinet barrels
DixonGongs/Drum Hardware/AccessoriesTaiwanese manufacturer featuring a wide array of drum hardware, accessories and parts as well as gongs
DJ PowerSmoke Machines/Bubble Machines/

Fluids/Lighting Cases/Pyrotechnics
Chinese company focusing on-stage equipment, mostly smoke, bubble machines, related fluids, lighting cases and pyrotechnics
DMTMonitor Systems/Frame ScreenDutch company focusing on video/projection solutions. Featuring monitors systems, frame screens
DNHMusic Horns/Loudspeakers Cabinet/

Underwater Loudspeakers
Norwegian company making music horns, loudspeakers cabinets, underwater loudspeakers
DoepferSynths/Sequencers/Sound Modules/

Eurorack Modules/Filters/Keyboards/

MIDI Tools/Synchronizers
German company featuring a wide array of synths, sequencers, sound modules, Eurorack modules, filters, keyboards, MIDI tools, synchronizers and clocks

Violin/Charango Strings
Italian strings manufacturer featuring mandolins, banjo, guitar, violin, charango strings
DorazioSaz StringsItalian company featuring a single set of strings for baÄŸlama (saz)
DörflerBows for Violin/Cello/Double BassGerman bow manufacturer making high-quality bows for violin, cello, double bass
DotzauerHornsGerman company making various horns for hunting, parforce and related cases, bags
DoughtyLighting Equipment Stands/

British company making a wide array of lighting equipment accessories, stands, various clamps, boom arms, bolts
DPAMicrophones/Microphone Accessories/CablesDanish company featuring a wide array of microphones, condenser, instrument, wireless, headset, lapel microphones as well as accessories, cables
DR CustomsShell Sets/SnareGerman drum manufacturer featuring shell sets and snares
Dr. TillwichLubricantsGerman company featuring lubricants and oils for woodwind and brass
DragaoLatin Guitar StringsPortugese company making strings for latin guitars such as Portugese guitar, campanica, cavaquinho, mandoloncello, afinacao, bouzouki, mandola..etc

Monitor Controllers/Syncronizers/Clocks
British company featuring EQ, preamps, compressors, limiters, monitor controllers, synchronizers, clocks
DreadboxEurorack Modules/Synths/ProcessorGreek company making Eurorack modules, desktop synths, multi-effect processors
Drum N BaseDrum RugsCOO information not available, probably a Dutch company featuring drum rugs
DrumcraftKick Pedals/Drum HardwareMade by GEWA, this brand features kick pedals, snare stands and drum hardware
Drummer NerdGiftsItalian company focusing on gift items for drummers
DrumportKick Drum Resonance PortsBritish company focusing on a single line of drum port product which helps the resonance of kick pedals
Drumport StompTechStompBox/Converter/ClipsGerman company featuring stompboxes with output controls as well as converter pedals and clips for extra addons
DS DrumsShell Sets/SnareItalian company featuring drum shell sets and snares
DSM & HumboldtGuitar Effect PedalsChilean company making guitar/bass amp cabinet simulator pedals
DtronicsProgrammer/Controller for SynthsDutch company featuring programmers, controllers for synths
DTSLighting/Spotlights/AccessoriesItalian lighting company making various spotlight, LED lights, audience blinders
DübreqMini SynthsBritish company featuring mini analogue synths
DuesenbergElectric Guitars/Lap Steel Guitars/

Guitar Amps/Strings/

Effect Pedals/Accessories/Cases
German guitar manufacturer making electric guitars, lap steel guitars, guitar amps, effect pedals, strings, pedals, spare parts and cases
DukeDouble Basses/Tailpieces/MutesGerman company featuring laminated, composite material double basses as well as tailpieces and mutes
DunHuangGuzheng StringsChinese company featuring a single set of guzheng strings
DuratrussLighting Bags/Trussing Accessories/

Dutch lighting, trussing company featuring a set of bags for lighting gear and trussings as well as clamps
DV MarkGuitars/Guitar Amps/Head Amps/

Footswitches/Speaker Cabinets
Italian company making a wide array of combo amps, head amps, speaker cabinets, footswitches and related accessories
Dwarf ConnectionWireless Video TransmitterGerman company focusing on wireless video transmitters
DynacordPA Systems/Speakers/Mixers/

Stage Monitors/

Power Amps/Speaker Covers
German pro-audio company featuring PA systems, speakers, stage monitors, power amps, speaker covers, digital mixers
DynaudioActive Reference Monitors/AccessoriesDanish pro audio company featuring active near field, midfield monitors, accessories
E-RMMulti Clock/Eurorack Module/

Master Clock/Cable
German company making Eurorack modules, multi clocks, master clocks and related cables
EarLabsEar ProtectionSwedish company focusing on in-ear hearing protection headphones
EarsonicsEar ProtectionFrench company focusing on ear protection plugs as well as related accessories and parts
EBSBass Guitar Pedals/Head Amps/AccessoriesSwedish company focusing only on bass guitar head amps, effect pedals and related accessories.
Echo FixEffects UnitAustralian company making high-end, tape echo effect units
EcholetteReel TapesGerman amp and effect manufacturer. Thomann's exclusive brand only featuring a single item: an open reel tape
EclerDJ Gear/Mixer/Fader/ComponentsSpanish company making DJ gear, mainly mixers, faders, components.
Econo PadsSousaphone Shoulder PadsMade by GEWA, a German company featuring a couple of sousaphone shoulder pads.
Edgar RussCellos/ViolinsItalian company making professional level, highest segmented cellos, violins.
Editors KeysComputer Keyboard Covers/KeyboardsBritish company making smart computer keyboard covers for DAWs as well as separate keyboards
EdutigeElectret Condenser MicrophonesSouth Korean company focusing on mini electret condenser microphones for mobile devices
EfelShoulder Rests/Suction CupsSmall Czech company making shoulder rests, suction cups for guitar and related accessories, parts.
Ehrlund MicrophonesMicrophones/PiezoSwedish made high-quality microphones as well as piezo systems
Eich AmplificationGuitar/Bass Amps/

German-made, high-quality guitar, bass amps, speakers, switches and accessories
EichenwurzelGongsGerman-made, professional-grade tuned gongs for music therapy and Asian music
EighteensoundSpeakers/Parts/ComponentsItalian pro-audio company focusing on replacement speakers and parts/components
ElacinEar ProtectionDutch company focusing on ear protection products as well as some cleaning agents and parts
ElektronSynths/Sound Modules/

Drum Machine/USB Cables/

Accessories/Power Supplies
Swedish company making high-quality hardware synths, sound modules, drum machines, power supplies, USB cables, bags and cases, related accessories
ElgatoAudio/Video Gear/Spotlights/

USB Microphones/DAW Controllers
German company making a wide variety of audio/video related gear. Microphones, spotlights, DAW controllers, shock mount, mic adapters
ElysiaEQ/Preamp/CompressorGerman pro-audio company making high-quality EQ, preamp, compressor, limiter and related gear
EMDDarbukasBelgian distributor also features Stagg brand. Under this brand only a darbouka featured.
EmmaGuitar Effect Pedals/PedalboardsDanish company making cool guitar effect pedals as well as pedalboards
EmoBrass MutesGerman company featuring brass mutes for all brass family
EMWEurorack Modules/EffectsBrazilian company making Eurorack modules, sequencer, drum modules
Endorphin.esEurorack Modules/EffectsSpanish company making Eurorack modules, sequencer
EngemannBariton MutesPossibly a German company making professional mutes for bariton
EnttecLighting Interface/Mergers/

DMX Recorders
British company focusing on many lighting gear and equipment
EQ AcousticsAcoustic Treatment Pads/

Bass Traps/Diffusers
British acoustic treatment company, making acoustic treatment products, bass traps, diffusers and related accessories
EquipPower StripsCOO information not available. Featuring a couple of power distributors
Ergonomic SystemsStraps for Bass Clarinet/BassoonsGerman manufacturer for bassoon and bass clarinet straps as well as support pads
ErgoplaySupport AccessoriesGerman company making support accessories and gadgets for guitar players. Also features related parts and components
Erica SynthsSynths/Sound Modules AccessoriesLatvian company making cool synths, sound modules and related accessories
Ernst Heinrich RothViolinsGerman company making professional level, highest segmented violins
ErsaSoldering IronGerman company featuring a soldering iron and related parts
ESIAudio Interfaces/Reference Monitors/

Monitors Controllers/MIDI Interfaces
German company making high-quality yet affordable USB, PCIe, MIDI interfaces as well as reference monitors and controllers
ESM Ernst SchreiberSaxophone/Clarinet MouthpiecesGerman manufacturer making mouthpieces for clarinet and sax
EuroliteLighting Gear/Smoke Machine/LaserGerman company manufacturing lighting gear, smoke machines, lasers, theatre lighting, accessories, installation parts
EurometProjector MountsGerman company making industry-grade projection mounts and related parts, accessories
EVE audioActive Reference MonitorsGerman company focusing on only reference monitors for studio applications.
EventActive Reference MonitorsThe parent company of Rode Microphones, only a single reference monitor available. High segmented, professional monitors
EVOAudio InterfacesAudient's subbrand making cool audio interface from the UK
EvolutoViolin BowsCOO information not available. Featuring a couple of violins, cello bows
Expert SleepersEurorack Modules/MIDI OutputBritish company making various Eurorack modules
Explorer CasesCasesItalian company making industry-grade cases for multi-purposes
ExpoliteLightingLighting gear, LEDs and accessories. COO information not available
Expressive EMultidimensional ControllersFrench company making a very unique multi-dimensional controller
EybGuitar SwitchesA German company, manufacturing guitars and related parts, components. Thomann features a single 5-way switch at the moment
F.A. UebelClarinetBoutique level clarinets from Germany.
fader AIDLubricant/CleaningOnly a single item available from this German manufacturer, a spray lubricant for faders, pots
FaderfoxMIDI ControllersGerman company manufacturing innovative, universal MIDI controllers
Falken 1Power BankGerman company manufacturing power banks. Only a single power bank available at Thomann
FaneSpeakers/Parts/ComponentsBritish company focusing on many different sizes of speakers, parts and components
FantekTruss Lifts/TelescopeSpanish company manufacturing high quality, industrial tower lifts, telescopes
FatarSustain/Volume/Control PedalItalian company making a wide variety of sustain, volume, controller pedals. The product line of Studiologic
FBTPA Systems/Speakers/Installation Speakers/Stage/

Italian PA company making active, passive speakers, stage monitors, installation speakers, accessories and parts
FeeltoneMonochords/Folk Instr Strings/

Music Therapy Inst/Accessories/Cases
German company focusing on a nice set of folk instruments, monochords, string instruments for therapy, accessories, strings and cases.
FerrofishProaudio/ADDA Converters/AccessoriesGerman pro audio company making high-end AD/DA converters and related accessories
FGNGuitarsJapanese guitar manufacturer making high-quality yet affordable electric guitars
FidelioViolinsCOO information may not be correct. However, this brand has affordable violins for all sizes
FideliusElectric ViolinsGerman-made high-end electric violins
Fire & StoneStraps/Violin PickupPossibly Bulgarian made guitar straps, violin pickup
Fischer AmpsIn-Ear Monitoring Headphones/

Related Accessories/Audio Tools/

DI Box/Hearing Protection
German pro audio company making  mostly in-ear monitor headphones, hearing protection, audio tools, DI boxes and related accessories
FismenAccordionsItalian company making boutique level, professional accordions
FisomaFolk Instrument StringsGerman-made strings for folk instruments
FlageoletFlageoletFrench company manufacturing flageolets which is a similar instrument to recorders
FlameAnalogue Synths/EurorackGerman-made high-quality Eurorack modules and analogue synth
FlexibrassTrumpet Practice MouthpieceVery unique trumpet practice mouthpieces from a German company
FlightUkuleleSlovenian company making all types of ukuleles.
Flyht ProCases for DJ Equipment/

Thomann's exclusive brand for flight cases, rack cases, bags, transport systems, lighting gear bags, pedalboards
FocalReference Monitors/HeadphonesExcellent pro audio company from France manufacturing reference monitors, headphones
FomexLighting/Frame SoftboxSouth Korean lighting company featuring LED lights, frame softboxes
ForestoneSaxophone/Reeds/MouthpiecesJapanese made high-quality saxophones, reeds, mouthpieces and accessories
Formula SoundMixer/ModularBritish pro audio company making analogue mixers and modules
FostexReference Monitor/Headphone/

Japanese pro audio company making really cool reference monitors, headphones, converter and related audio gear
Francois LouisSaxophone/Reeds/MouthpiecesSmall French company making reeds, mouthpieces for sax
Franz BassguitarsBass GuitarsBoutique level bass guitars (even only body made of exotic woods) from Germany
Franz SandnerBow Instruments/AccessoriesGerman company making high-quality bow instruments, accessories and parts
Frap ToolsEurorack Modules/SynthsItalian company making Eurorack modules, mixers
Frate PrecisionTrumpet/French Horn Mouthpieces/PartsItalian made high-quality trumpet, french horn mouthpieces and spare parts
FredensteinCompressor/Preamp/Studio AccessoriesTaiwanese company making high-quality preamps, compressor, limiters, metering modules and studio accessories
Freeway SwitchGuitar SwitchesBritish company making durable, high-quality, multi-function switches for guitars
FriendchipModules/ConvertersGerman company manufacturing modules for Digimax and converters
FrindPercussionGerman percussion company making high-quality cajons
FSAPercuissonBrazilian company making percussions. Thomann only features a cajon bag
Fun GenerationLighting/PA/Stage/

Thomann's exclusive direct import brand featuring lighting gear, microphones, PA systems, cables, stands
FurchNylon String/Acoustic Guitars/

Czech company making boutique level guitars, acoustics, folks as well as bags and straps
Fusion by GLPDMX ControllersGerman lighting gear company featuring a single DMX controller console
Future ArtistMIDI LooperGerman company making innovative MIDI looper pedals
FuturelightLightingGerman lighting gear company, only a LED moving head available
G-LABGuitar Effect PedalsPolish company making cool guitar effect pedals.
G7thGuitar CaposBritish company making award-winning guitar capos. Very high-quality and high precision products
Galli StringsBass/Folk Instrument/Harp StringsItalian company making strings for mainly bass and folk instruments. Also features harp strings
GardCases/Bags for BrassIndian company making very cool and high quality yet functional and protective bags and cases for brass and related accessories
ge-gra-MusterSheet Music FolderGerman company making sheet music folder, pen holders
Gebrüder MönnigEnglish Horns/Bassoons/OboesGerman company making the highest level and segmented, professional-grade oboe, bassoon and English horns
GeipelRosins/Folk Instrument AccessoriesGerman-made rosins for bow instrument family, featuring folk instrument thumbpicks as well
GenalexTubesProbably a Russian manufacturer, only featuring a single tube
GenelecReference Monitors/AccessoriesFinnish pro audio company making one of the best active reference monitors as well as related accessories
GenerationWhistlesBritish company making flutes
GerbandTapeGerman company making fabric tapes
Gerd DowidsTrumpets/Flugelhorns/PartsGerman manufacturer for professional-grade trumpets, flugelhorns and related parts

Folk Instruments/Cases/Electronic Drums/Accessories
GEWA is a huge German company making a wide variety of products such as guitars, ukuleles, mandolins, folk instruments, electronic drums and accessories
GEWA-CUPBrass MouthpiecesGEWA's brass mouthpieces brand. Made in Germany and features all mouthpieces for every brass instrument

Woodwind Accessories
Distributed by GEWA, according to Thomann, those come from Germany and France. Featuring ligatures, caps and clarinet reflectors
GFI SystemGuitar Effect PedalsIndonesian company making very cool looking and innovative design guitar effect pedals

Patch Cables/Accessories
Swiss made pro studio patch bays, connectors, patch cables and related accessories
GiraSwitches/InsertGerman company making switches, inserts and related installation gear
GitanoGuitar Support/PartsCOO information not available, making guitar support addons and related parts
GleichweitClarinet MouthpiecesAustrian made high-quality mouthpieces for clarinet
Global TrussTrussing/Lighting/Stage GearTaiwanese company making industrial trussing gear, lighting equipment and stage gear
GlockenklangBass Guitar Amps/Heads/

German bass amp manufacturer, making high-segmented bass guitar amps, speaker cabs and related accessories
GloriousDJ/Studio FurnitureGerman company focusing on furniture for DJ gear and also for studio setups.
GLPLighting GearGerman company making high-quality lighting gear and equipment
Goetz & LeichtViolin BowsGerman-made, professional-grade violin bows
Golden Age PremierPreamp/EQ/MicrophoneSwedish pro audio company making preamps, compressor, microphone. The premier line is the same brand as the Golden Age Project but higher segmented
Golden Age ProjectPreamp/EQ/MicrophoneSwedish pro audio company making preamps, compressor, microphone. Affordable yet high-quality products
GöldoGuitar Electronics Parts/AccessoriesGerman company making a wide variety of electronic components for guitars

German company focusing on glockenspiel, xylophones, metallophones and percussion sets
GonzalezReeds for Clarinet, Saxophones,
Obua, English Horn
Argentinian company making reeds for clarinet, saxophones, oboe, English horn
GotohGuitar PartsJapanese manufacturer for guitar hardware and parts as well as some pickups
GottsuMouthpiece for Clarinets/SaxophonesJapanese made high precision mouthpieces for clarinet, sax
GR BassBass Guitar Amp/SpeakersItalian amp manufacturer focusing on bass amps, heads, speakers
Grandi LiutaiViolin TemplatesItalian company featuring infamous violin model templates for builders
Grover AllmanGuitar PicksAustralian company featuring printed picks for guitarists could be a gift item
GSiOrgan MIDI Controller/ExpandersItalian company focusing on MIDI controllers in organ design, featuring also expanders
Guitars UpgradeGuitar Tremolo StopperGerman manufacturer only focusing on guitar tremolo/Floyd Rose stopper and locker gadgets
GuitarworkbenchHolder for Guitar Neck/
Repair Assistant/Tools
German-made high-quality guitar neck support, tools and repair assistant
Guntram WolfBassoonsGerman company focusing on professional level bassoons
Gus GGuitar Effect PedalsGus G's guitar effect pedal brand, only featuring a single pedal made in Greece
Gut-a-LikeDouble Bass StringsGerman company featuring only double bass strings
Guthschmidt PercussionShaker/Tambourine/RattlerGerman-made percussions for foot featuring shaker, tambourine and rattler
H. Walter ZapfDouble Bass BowMade by GEWA, high-quality double bass bows
HagstromElectric Guitars/Basses/

Swedish guitar brand making electric guitars and basses as well as cases and accessories
HamaHeadphonesGerman audio/video equipment company. Only a single headphone and a case for an in-ear available
HamarilInstrument SetsBelgium company releasing affordable instrument bundles, guitars, bass, keyboard, sax, mandolin
HandstattLeather Folder/Case/WalletGerman company making a high-quality leather folder, wallet and cases
HanikaNylon String Classical GuitarsGerman guitar company focusing on high-quality classical guitars as well as cases and bags
HannabachStrings for Nylon String Classical Guitars/

Folk Instruments/Drum Parts
Long established German company focusing on strings for classical guitars, folk instruments as well as drum strings
Hans HoyerFrench HornsGerman company focusing on professional French horns
HardcaseDrum/Percussions CasesBritish company making many types of bags and cases for drums, percussion and related accessories
Harley BentonElectric/Acoustic Guitars/

Bass/Folk Instruments/

Amps/Effects/Strings/Spare Parts
Thomann's exclusive brand for very affordable, high value, money guitars, basses, ukuleles, amps, effects, spare parts, accessories
Harmonic ArtHandpan DrumsOwned by Meinl, this company features the original handpan drums. High-quality, unique instruments
Harry Hartmann FiberreedReeds for Clarinet, SaxophonesGerman reed manufacturer making various reeds for clarinets and saxophones
HartingMultipin PlugsGerman company manufacturing all types of multipin power plugs, accessories and tools
HaufeElectronic ComponentsGerman electronic components company, Thomann only has a spare transformer available.
HaunMicrophones/Components/AccessoriesGerman-made high-quality microphones, components and accessories
HeadwayViolin/Cello/Guitar Pickups/

British company making innovative pickups for cello, violin, guitars, double bass as well as preamps, EQ, parts and accessories
HearsafeIn-Ear Monitor Headphones/

Hearing Protection
German company making high-quality in-ear monitor headphones, hear protection plugs and related accessories
HEDDReference Monitors/

German pro-audio company manufacturing high-quality, boutique level headphones, active reference monitors, cables and related accessories
Heiko WunderlichDouble Bass BowGerman company focusing on double bass bows, boutique and professional level bows
HellermannCable TiesBritish company manufacturing cable ties
HellwegNylon String Classical GuitarsGerman company focusing on nylon string classical guitars
HemingwayDigital PianosThomann's exclusive brand for very affordable, high value, money digital pianos
Hense PlecsGuitar PicksGerman-made, high-quality, unique guitar picks
HerculesDJ Controller/Sets/Headphones/

Active Reference Monitors
French company making high-quality yet affordable DJ gear, headphones, monitors
Hercules StandsStands/Bags/AccessoriesA brand of KHS Musical Instruments from Taiwan, high value stands for everything
HerdimGuitar Picks/Cello/Bass EndpinsGerman company making guitar picks, cello, double bass endpins, accessories and tools
HeribaString Winder/CapoAn exclusive brand of GEWA from Germany. Only a string winder and capo available
HeringHarmonicasBritish company making various blues harmonicas
Heritage AudioPreamp/Monitor Controller/

Spanish pro audio company making monitor controllers, preamps, mixers, compressor, limiters and components
HESUSpeakers/Speaker CabinetsPolish company focusing on replacement speakers as well as speaker cabinets
HetmanLubricant/CleaningGerman company manufacturing oil, lubricants for brass instruments
Heyday'sBrass/Woodwind Cleaning/

German company manufacturing cleaning, maintenance chemicals, cloths for woodwind, brass instruments
HHBCablesBritish company offering a single mic cable at the moment
HiconCables/Connectors/Jacks/PlugsA subbrand of Sommer Cable, wide variety of jacks, plugs, connectors, cables
Hide-a-micMicrophone AddonsDutch company focusing on microphone holders, attachments, add-ons for hiding lavalier mics
HidersineCello/Violin/RosinsBritish company making cellos, violins and violas in different sizes as well as rosin and cleaning products for bow instruments
HiFiMANHeadphonesChinese brand manufacturing high-quality, audiophile headphones and also headphone amps
Highwood Guitar PartsGuitar SaddlesDutch company offering innovative design saddles for Strats, aiming playing comfort
Hinkler BooksCigar Box Guitar/UkuleleAustralian company making cigar box guitar, ukulele kits with related books
HiscoxCases for Guitars/Bass/

Sax/ Tubas/Wind
British company making cases for guitars, basses, classical guitars, sax, tubas and wind instruments.
HitmanElectronic DrumsChinese brand making affordable electronic drums
HK AudioPA Systems/Speakers/Stands/

German PA company making a wide range of PA systems, speakers, components, covers and related parts

Acoustic Treatment/Absorber
German pro-audio company making mastering and audio plugins as well as acoustic treatment products
HofmannPan Flutes/Cases/

Cleaning Products/Books
German-made boutique level pan flutes, care sets, cases, books
HöfnerElectric Guitars/Nylon String Classical Guitars/Bass/Pickups/

Strings/Spare Parts
German guitar manufacturer making electric guitars, bass, acoustic guitars and basses, strings, pickups, spare parts and cases

German harmonica, melodica and accordion manufacturer also featuring books and accessories
HoldonClipsSwedish manufacturer focusing on clips for fixing fabrics, curtains
Holz-FrankCutting Boards/Gift ItemsGerman woodworks company, only a single item available: a guitar-shaped cutting board
Honey Bee AmpsGuitar Effect PedalHungarian guitar effect pedals, amp manufacturer. Thomann only features pedal lines
HookiSax Bracket/HeadbandGerman company manufacturing innovative sax brackets, headband
HopfNylon String Classical Guitars/

German musical instruments brand making recorders, classical guitars, mandolas as well as related accessories and gadgets
HörluchsIn-Ear Monitoring Headphones/

German pro-audio company making in-ear monitoring headphones as well as cleaning products and related accessories
Horn-Crafts MutesFrench Horn MutesDutch company making mutes for French horn
Hornberg ResearchBreath ControllerGerman audio company making high-quality breath controller
HoscoNut Files/Abrasives/

Polishing Rubbers
Japanese company featuring guitar tools, mainly nut files, abrasives, polishing rubbers
HoToneGuitar Effect PedalsChinese company for guitar effect pedals, processors, power amps and preamps
Hughes&KettnerGuitar/Bass/Acoustic Amps/

Effect Pedals/Speakers/Accesorries
German amp manufacturer for guitar, bass amps, speakers, acoustic amps, effect pedals and related accessories
Human BaseBass GuitarsGerman bass guitar manufacturer, focusing on only high-quality bass guitars
Ian BousfieldTrombone MouthpiecesSwiss made high-quality trombone mouthpieces for professional players

World-famous Japanese guitar manufacturer also features a wide variety of instruments, accessories and parts
IconDAW Controller/MIDI Keyboard/
Chinese company manufacturing DAW controllers, MIDI keyboards, switches and accessories
IgnitionLighting/LampsThomann's exclusive brand for lighting gear and equipment.
IGS AudioEQ/Compressor/Limiter/PreampPolish pro-audio brand manufacturing studio-grade EQ, limiters, compressor and preamps
iiyamaLCD MonitorsJapanese brand making LCD monitors with touch screen
IK MultimediaAudio Interfaces/Reference Monitors/


MIDI Controller/Keyboard/Switches
Italian software and pro audio company making leading guitar amp software as well as audio interfaces, keyboard, controllers, microphones, monitors and switches
IMG StagelinePA/Microphone/Crossover/

Preamps/Audio Interface
German company manufacturing PA speakers, mixers, DI Boxes, microphones, audio interfaces and preamps as well as many studio gears
InEarIn-Ear Monitor HeadphonesGerman pro-audio company making high-quality in-ear monitoring headphones
InfinityLighting/ControllerDutch company focusing on lighting gear and components
InnovationBow Instrument StringsBritish made high-quality strings for double bass
IntensoHDD/StorageGerman company featuring a single external HDD
Inter-MPA/Mixer Amp/Power AmpSouth Korean pro audio company making high-quality power amps, PA mixer amps
Invento ProductsGift ItemGerman company manufacturing stainless steel model instruments which may be a great gift idea
IO InstrumentsEurorack ModulesGerman company manufacturing a wide variety of Eurorack modules
IslanderUkuleleHawaiian ukulele manufacturer. Wide variety of instruments, high quality and affordable
IsovoxIsolation Booth/MicrophonesSwedish company making high-quality isolation booths and microphones for recording purposes
Istanbul AgopDrum CymbalsTurkish made world-class drum cymbals.
Istanbul MehmetDrum CymbalsTurkish made world-class drum cymbals.
IzzoPercussions/SambaBrazilian company featuring samba percussions
J. MeinlschmidtBrass Cleaning/LubricantsA small German manufacturer manufacturing brass cleaning aids, lubricants, oils
JadeRosinsA small French company manufacturing rosins for bow instruments
JaegerViolin CasesAn exclusive brand of GEWA from Germany. Nice set of violing bags offering high value/money
JahnPiano Lights/Accessories/

Strings for Folk Instruments
A German company specialized in high-quality piano lights and accessories as well as bulk strings for folk instruments
Jakob WinterCases for Brass, Guitars, String Instruments/

A wide variety of bags for brass, guitars, string instruments as well as bows and accessories from a German manufacturer
Jam PedalsGuitar/Bass PedalsVery cool guitar/bass pedal company from Greece
James NeliganAcoustic/Cigar Box/Resonator GuitarsA French company offering affordable acoustic guitars, cigar box resonator guitars.
JargarStrings for Bow InstrumentsDanish company specialized in strings for bow instruments
JaspersKeyboard/Studio StandsVariety of keyboard stands with multiple options of shelves
JazzlabSaxophone Holder/Straps/

A small Swiss company manufacturing sax holders, silencers for sax and clarinet
Jens PaulusViola/Double Bass BowsBoutique level, handmade, professional bows for violins, viola and double bass
JHSUkulelesA British company with cool design ukuleles
JKBrass Moutpieces/GlockenspielsGerman-made brass mouthpieces and glockenspiels
Johannes Gerhard HammigFlutesHandmade professional-grade flutes from an old German company
Johannes ScherzerTrumpetsProfessional level, boutique trumpets from a German company
JomoxModular/Eurorack Modules/

Drum Synths/Effects
German company specialized in modular synths, drum synths, effects
Joranalogue Audio DesignModular/Eurorack Modules/EffectsBelgian company focusing on Eurorack modules, synths and components
Josef GötzBags for Brass/Tuba/

Bass Trumpet/Flugelhorn
A small German company making bags especially for tuba, bass trumpets, flugelhorn
JouéSynths/Control PadsVery unique French company manufacturing synths with interchangeable pads with different patterns. Although Thomann only lists the pads, not the bass synth, it's definitely worth checking out
JoyoGuitar Effect Pedals/Amps/AccessoriesExcellent Chinese company manufacturing guitar/bass effect pedals, guitar, bass, acoustic amps, wireless systems
JTSMicrophone/Attenuator/WirelessA nice company from Taiwan focusing on microphones, wireless systems and related accessories/components
Juan HernandezSpanish/Classical/Nylon String GuitarsProfessional level nylon string guitars from Spain
JupiterBrass InstrumentsA brand of KHS Musical Instruments from Taiwan, high-value brass instruments
JVCHeadphones/CamerasA very well-established corporate company from Japan, although Thomann only features a set of headphones and disc players, it might be worth checking out
JW-eastmanCases for Bow InstrumentsHigh-quality cases, bags for bow instruments
JZ MicrophonesMicrophonesBoutique level microphones from a small Latvian manufacturer
K&GBrass MouthpiecesMaltese company making all type of brass mouthpieces
K&MStands/Keyboard Stands/Piano Benches/

Wind Instrument Stands/

Orchestral Percussions Stands/

Microphone Accessories/DJ Laptop Stands
A German company, a leading stands manufacturer-featuring stands for keyboards, wind instruments, orchestral percussion, microphones, DJ gear
KaiUkulelesGerman company making various ukuleles
KaiserPower ConnectorsGerman company featuring power connectors
KalfoDrum Heads for Bass Drum/Snare/Timpani/Natural DrumIrish company manufacturer making drum heads for bass drums, snares, timpani, natural drums
KapegoLEDLED Strips/Power SuppliesGerman lighting company featuring LED strips, power supplies
KarisoCases for Brass/Woodwind/

Recorders/Brass Mouthpieces
German company offering a wide array of bases for all brass family, woodwind, brasswind instruments, recorders, brass mouthpieces
Karl HöfnerDouble Basses/Violins/Cellos/

German company featuring double basses, cellos, violins, violas, bows and cases
KärntnerlandAccordionsAustrian accordion manufacturer, featuring a single instrument

Beaters/Percussions Holders
Austrian company making a wide array of beaters, mallets for percussion, orchestral percussion, drums as well as percussion holders
KawaiKeyboards/Stage Pianos/

Digital Pianos/Grand Pianos/

Headphones/Power Supplies
Japanese brand making keyboards, stage pianos, digital pianos, grand pianos and headphones as well as related power supplies
KeilwerthSaxophones/Sax MouthpiecesFrench manufacturer making high-segmented saxophones as well as saxophone mouthpieces. Subbrand of French Besson
KemperGuitar Multi Effect Processor/

Profiling Amp
German company making profiling digital guitar amps and related speaker cabs, accessories
KentonMIDI Distributor/USB to MIDI Converter/

Line Drivers
British company offering MIDI distributors, USB to MIDI converters, line drivers
Kentville DrumsDrum Heads for Bass Drum/

Australian company featuring drum heads for bass drums, snare, timpani
Keo PercussionsPercussions/Practice Pads/

British company focusing on percussions, practice pads, beaters, dampeners
Kerry WhistlesWhistlesBritish company featuring whistles
KetronKeyboards/Sequencers/MIDI Modules/

Volume/Expression Pedals/

Footswitches/Expansion Cards/

Sound Modules
Italian company making keyboards, hardware sequencers, MIDI modules, volume, expression pedals, footswitches, expansion cards and sound modules
Key LeavesSaxophone Body Protector/Spit SpongeBritish company featuring saxophone body protectors, spit sponges.
KGUbrassMouthpiece Adapters/Practice Aids/

Spare Parts/Woodwind Accessories
Ukrainian company offering mouthpiece adapters, practice aids for brass as well as some woodwind spare parts and accessories
KingTrumpets/Trombones/Spare PartsFrench company making various trumpets and trombones as well as some spare parts for brass
KJKCello Floor Protector/Cello StandsAustrian company making cello floor protectors, cello stands
Klark TeknikMulti Effect Processor/EQ/Preamp/

Acquired by MusicTribe, a British company focusing on multi-effect processors, EQ, preamps, compressors, limiters, converters, splitters
KlavicuraViolins/Piano Cleaning Products/

Care Products
German company offering a single cleaning, care agent for violin and piano
Klavierbänke NiederrheinPiano BenchesGerman company offering various piano benches
KlavisEurorack ModulesBelgian company focusing on Eurorack modules, oscillators, gate processors
KlawusClarinet Cases/Reed CasesGerman company offering clarinet cases, reed cases
KlondykeUkulele/Banjo/Mandolin StrapsBritish company featuring various straps for ukuleles, banjos, mandolins
KMA Audio MachinesGuitar Effect PedalsGerman company making various guitar effect pedals
Knobloch StringsClassical Guitar StringsSpanish company making various nylon strings for classical guitars
KnostiVinyl Records Cleaning Agents/

Cleaning Machines/Spare Parts
German company focusing on cleaning agents, machines and spare parts for vinyl records
Koch AmpsGuitar Amps/DI Box/Load BoxDutch guitar amp manufacturer featuring guitar amps, load boxes, DI boxes and some drive pedals
KokioUkulelesGerman company featuring a variety of ukuleles covering all types
KolbergShelf/Percussions Stands/

Insert Tubes/Mallet Holder
German company focusing on shelves, percussion stands, insert tubes, mallet holders
KölblLigatures/Caps/Cases for Mouthpieces, Wind Instruments/

Brass Cleaning Kits/Straps
German company offering ligatures, caps for woodwind, wind instruments cases, mouthpieces cases, brass cleaning kits as well as straps
Kontakt ChemieContact Sprays/Lubricant SpraysGerman company featuring various sprays for electronic, mechanical components, lubricants
KorgKeyboards/Synths/Stage Pianos/

Digital Pianos/Guitar Effect Pedals/


Mixers/Electronic Drums/Accessories
Japanese brand covering a huge category of musical instruments from keyboards, synths, stage, digital pianos, guitar multi-effects to tuners, metronomes, mixers, electronic drums and various accessories
KoshiChimesFrench company making various chimes and chimes sets
KovaxAdhesive/SandpaperJapanese company making adhesive sandpapers
KramerVideo Converters/Video Distributors/

Video Monitoring/Video Wireless Systems/

Video Cables/Patch Bays/BNC Cables/

USB Cables
German company focusing on video related patch bays, converters, distributors, wireless systems, BNC, USB cables
KrinnerTrumpets/FlugelhornsGerman company making high-segmented rotary trumpets, flugelhorns, bass trumpets
KS audioPA Systems/Speakers/Stage Monitors/

Loudspeakers Accessories
German pro audio company featuring PA systems, active, passive speakers, stage monitors, subwoofers, installation accessories and parts
KS DigitalActive Reference Monitors/Accessories/

Studio Controllers
German company featuring active reference monitors, subwoofers, studio controllers and related accessories
Kühnl & HoyerTrumpets/Flugelhorns/Trombones/

Tenor/Bariton Horns/Mouthpieces/

Bags/Spare Parts/Accessories
German brass manufacturer making various trumpets, flugelhorns, trombones, tenor, bariton horns, marching trumpets, hunting horns, bags, mouthpieces and related spare parts, accessories
KunathFlutes/ClarineauGerman company offering flutes and clarineaus
KüngRecordersSwiss company offering a wide variety of recorders from soprano, alto, tenor, bass and smaller garklein recorders
KuppmenDrum SticksDutch company offering various drum sticks
KürschnerViolin Strings/Folk Instrument StringsGerman company making violin strings, folk instruments strings
KyroGuitar Effect PedalsBulgarian company making various guitar effect pedals, Thomann features a pedalboard amp in a pedal format
La ManchaNylon String Classical GuitarsGerman company making classical guitars in different sizes
La TrombaLubricants/Oil/Grease/

Care/Maintenance Agents
Swiss company offering one of the best-rated lubricants, oil, grease, care and maintenance products for brass and woodwind instruments
La Tromba AGLubricants/Oil/Grease/

Care/Maintenance Agents
Swiss company offering one of the best-rated lubricants, oil, grease, care and maintenance products for brass and woodwind instruments. *Same brand with above
LA67Eurorack ModulesSpanish company making various Eurorack modules
LAB GruppenPower AmpsSwedish company (acquired by Music Tribe) making various digital power amplifiers
Lab4MusicMIDI Routers/MIDI ControllersItalian company offering innovative, advanced MIDI routers and MIDI controllers
LAGAcoustic Guitars/

Nylon String Classical Guitars/

French company offering high value/money acoustic guitars, classical guitars and ukuleles
Lake PeopleHeadphone Amps/Preamps/ConvertersGerman pro-audio company (A division of CMA Audio) featuring headphones amps, preamps, converters, summing amps
LakewoodAcoustic Guitars/

Nylon String Classical Guitars/

Straps/Stools/Cleaning Products
German company featuring acoustic, classical guitars, leather straps, guitar tools, cleaning agents
LaneyGuitar/Bass/Acoustic Amps/

Speaker Cabs/

Guitar Effect Pedals/PA Speakers
British amp manufacturer featuring guitars, bass, acoustic amps, speaker cabinets, guitar effect pedals, preamps, PA speakers and stage monitors
LapellaCleaning/Maintenance Oil/

Cleaning Wipes/Rosins
German company making high-quality cleaning, maintenance products, oils, cleaning wipes and rosins
LaricaRosinsSwiss company featuring rosins for cello, violin, viola
LarsenStrings for Cello/Violin/RosinsDanish company specialized in strings for bow instruments, also featuring rosins, cleaning products
LaserworldLasers/Laser Controllers/AccessoriesSwiss company specialized in lasers, laser controllers, accessories and laser bundles for the entertainment industry
Lastolite by ManfrottoGreen ScreensManfrotto's subbrand for greenscreens
Lautus LuteViolin Cleaning AgentsAustrian company featuring a single cleaning agent set for violins
LCB CompanyLeather StrapsItalian manufacturer making leather straps for guitars
LD SystemsPA Systems/Speakers/PA Mixers/

Power Amps/In-Ear Monitoring/

Wireless Microphones/Headphone Amps/Accessories
German company (Adam Hall's) focusing on PA systems, speakers, mixers, wireless microphones, in-ear monitoring systems, headphone amps, stands and related accessories
LDRFloodlights/Barndoor/AccessoriesItalian lighting company making various floodlights, barn doors and accessories
Le FayBass GuitarsGerman company focusing on high-end, high-segmented bass guitars
Lead FootSustain/Expression Pedals/

Footswithes/AB Switches
Thomann's exclusive brand for various footswitches, expression, volume pedals, AB switches
LED TableEvent Tables/Lighting Gear/Rigging Accessories/Cases/BagsGerman company making event tables with LED lighting, lighting gear, rigging accessories, cases and bags
LEDVANCELED Lighting/Lamps/Floor LightsGerman company featuring LED lighting, lamps, floor lights
LeeGel Sheets/Gel Rolls/Gel SetsBritish company featuring gel sheets, gel rolls, gel sets
LeewaldResonator GuitarsCzech company making high-segmented resonator guitars

Orchestral Percussions/


German company focusing on glockenspiels, timpanis, orchestral percussions, tambourines, beaters, mallets, drumheads and related accessories.
LegereSaxophone/Clarinet ReedsSpanish company manufacturing various saxophone, clarinet reeds
LehleGuitar Effect PedalsGerman company making various guitar effect pedals, expression, volume pedals and cables
Lehmann AudioHeadphone Amps/AccessoriesGerman company featuring headphone amps and related mounts
Leitner & KrausClarinet MouthpiecesGerman company making various clarinet mouthpieces
LenznerOud/Double Bass/Balalaika/

Bouzouki Strings
German string manufacturer featuring oud, double bass, balalaika, bouzouki strings
Leopold MüllerTuba/Trumpet CasesGerman company featuring various tuba and bass trumpet cases
LewittMicrophones/Cases/AccessoriesAustrian company offering various types of microphones, condenser, vocal, dynamic, reporter, modular and speciality microphones as well as cases and accessories
LibecTripodsJapanese company featuring high-quality camera tripods and related parts, components
LiebenzellerRosinsGerman company featuring violin and double bass rosins
Lindell AudioModules/Preamps/Compressors/EQSwedish pro audio company featuring modular preamps, compressors, EQ for studio work
LippsyBrass Practice AidsCOO information not available, only a single brass practice aid available
Liquid Light AcousticsTongue DrumsGerman company featuring a couple of tongue drums
Lite StixDrum Sticks/MalletsSwiss company featuring various drum sticks and mallets
LitecraftLED Wash lights/Spotlights/

Possibly a Chinese manufacturer making various LED wash lights, spotlights, strips and blinders
LogickeyboardComputer KeyboardsDanish company making custom layout keyboards for various DAWs, video editing software
LookSmoke Machines/Hazers/

German company focusing on smoke machines, hazers, fluids related accessories and products.
LoomlightDisplay LEDGerman company featuring a single item: Fender headstock shaped display LED light
LoopHearing ProtectionBelgian company making cool design hearing protection earplugs
LooptrotterCompressors/SaturatorsPolish pro audio company making high-end compressors, saturators for studio work
Lothar SemmlingerCello/ViolinGerman company making high-end, handmade cellos and violins
LoxxStrap LocksGerman company making various strap locks for guitars
LR SystemCleaning AgentsAustrian company featuring a single cleaning/lubricating agent for drum hardware
LumenradioDMX Transmitter/ReceiversSwedish lighting gear company making various DMX transmitters, receivers
LupXWolf EliminatorAustrian company making high-quality wolf eliminators, killers for cello
MA LightingLighting Consoles/Ethernet Interfaces/NodesGerman lighting company featuring high-end lighting consoles, desks, ethernet interfaces and various nodes
Mach OneShoulder RestsCOO information not available, this brand features a couple of shoulders rests for violin and viola
Macmull GuitarsElectric GuitarsIsraeli company making high-end, high-segmented electric guitars, based on T and S style designs
Mad ProfessorGuitar Effect PedalsFinnish company featuring various guitar effect pedals
MagmaDJ Gear Cases/Bags/StandsGerman company featuring a wide array of cases for various DJ gear, turntables, laptops, players, controllers, mixers as well as bags and stands for related equipment
Magma StringsString Set for Classical Bass GuitarsArgentinian company making string sets to use classical guitars as a bass guitar
MahaloUkulelesJapanese brand featuring ukuleles and ukulele picks (Chinese distribution under this brand's licence)
MaintronicPower Amps/Multichannel Players/

Installation Amps/

Expansion Modules/Crosspoint Matrix Cards
German company manufacturing various power amps, multichannel players, installation amps, components, expansion modules and crosspoint matrix cards
Majid DrumsHamgam DrumsGerman company featuring hamgam drums
MajorDMX Splitters/Lighting Gears/Safety CordsGerman lighting company featuring a couple of DMX splitters, boosters, safety cords
MAMSynth Expanders/Power SuppliesGerman company featuring synth expanders and related power supplies
ManfrottoLighting Stands/Trussings/

Video Spotlights/

Tripods/Microphone Accessories
Italian company featuring a wide array of lighting stands, trussings, video spotlights and accessories, camera tripods and microphone accessories
Manikin-ElectronicSound Modules/Synths/

Step Sequencers/Eurorack Modules/

MIDI Cables/Sample CDs
German company featuring sound modules, synths, step sequencers, Eurorack modules, MIDI cables and related sample sound libraries
ManultecEQGerman company making high-segmented pro audio EQs

Oboe/English Horn Reeds
French company making reeds for saxophone, clarinet, oboe, English horn and bassoon
Marcus BonnaBrass Mutes/Cases/Bags/StrapsBrazilian manufacturer featuring cases and bags for all brass family along with brass mutes and drum stick cases
MarianPCIe Audio Interfaces/SyncBus CablesGerman company featuring various PCIe audio interfaces and related sync bus cables
Marienberg DevicesEurorack Modules/Oscillators/

Filter/Envelope/VCA/Sample Modules
German company featuring Eurorack formatted modules, oscillators, filters, envelopes, VCA, sample modules and related housings
MarkbassBass Guitars/Bass Guitar Amps/

Speaker Cabinets/Bass Heads/

Strings/Effect Pedals
Italian company featuring electric bass guitars, bass guitar amps, speaker cabinets, head amps, bass strings, effect pedals and related cases and covers for amps
Markus ArnoldBrass Practice Aids/Care ProductsGerman company featuring various buzzers for practice aids and care products
MarleauxBass Guitars/Bass Guitar Strings/Bass Pedals/StrapsGerman manufacturer making unique design bass guitars, bass guitar strings, pedals and strings
marsch smartSmartphone Holders for Brass/

Wind Instruments
COO information not available, company makes smartphone holders for brass and woodwind instruments
MartinLighting/Moving Spot/

Head/Beam Lights/

Scanners/LED Lights/Smoke Machines/

Spare Parts/Clamps
Danish company (Harman's subbrand) making a wide array of lighting gear from moving spot, head, beam lights to scanners, LED lights, smoke machines and related parts, components and clamps
Martin FoagClarinetsGerman company making high-segmented professional clarinets
MartinezNylon String Classical GuitarsChinese (?) guitar manufacturer featuring nylon string classical guitars
MasterworkCymbals/Bags/CasesTurkish cymbal manufacturer featuring crashes, splashes, rides, china, hi-hat and related cases and bags
MastroBouzouki/BaÄŸlama/Mandolin StringsGreek company featuring strings for bouzouki, baÄŸlama, mandolin
MatonAcoustic/Semi-Hollow Body Electric Guitars/

Australian company making various acoustic guitars, semi-hollow body electric guitars, straps and related accessories

Greek company featuring folk instruments: bouzouki, baÄŸlama, lutes, mandolins and related cases, bags
MaxellBatteriesJapanese battery manufacturer featuring batteries in different sizes and types
MaxpartsPolishing Rubbers/File Sets/

Nut Files/Fret Files/Ruler
Japanese company featuring a wide array of luthier tools for guitars: polishing rubbers, file sets, nut, fret files, rulers and allen wrenches
MaxpicGuitar PicksJapanese brand making various guitar picks, thumb picks
MAXTONClarinet MouthpiecesAustrian company making various for clarinets
MaybachElectric Guitars/CasesGerman company making various iconic electric guitars and related cases
MCBSpeaker Systems/Line Array SystemsChinese made speaker systems, line array systems and column speakers
MeanWellRail Power Supplies/DIN RailsTaiwanese company making electrical components, rail power supplies, DIN rails
MEBMIDI Accordion/MIDI Sound ModulesGermany company making MIDI accordions, sound modules
MECBass Guitar PickupsGerman pickup manufacturer-featuring various bass pickups
MeerklangFolk Instrument Strings/


German company featuring folk instruments, monochords, string tambourine, kotamo, harp as well as related strings and accessories
MeinelRecorders/Lotus FlutesGerman company featuring various recorders, effect whistles, cuckoo and lotus flutes

Drum Hardware/Percussions/

Orchestral Percussions/

Stompboxes/Instrument Microphones
German drum & percussion company featuring mallets, sticks, drum hardware, cymbals, percussion, orchestral percussion, stompboxes and related instrument microphones and accessories
Meister RubnerDouble BassesGerman company featuring highest standard, professional double basses
MelosRosinsGreek company making violin rosins

Tenor Horns/Baritones/Tubas
German company featuring bass trumpets, flugelhorns, tenor horns, various tubas
MemmingerCello Endpin StoppersGerman company featuring a single product: cello endpin stopper
MennekesCEE Plugs/Couplers/ConnectorsGerman electronic component manufacturer featuring CEE plugs, couplers, connectors
Metabolic DevicesEurorack ModulesGerman company featuring various Eurorack modules
Metal SoundsTongue Drums/HandpansFrench company making tongue drums, handpans
MetarexPolishing ClothsGerman company featuring polishing cloths for metal surfaces
meychairStools/Guitar/Bass Stands/

Guitar Accessories/Stand Accessories
German company featuring stools, guitar, bass stands, guitar accessories, stand accessories
MFBAnalogue Synths/Drum Machines/ExpandersGerman company making various analogue synths, expanders and drum machines
MG Leather WorkTrumpet Mouthpiece Pouches/

Valve Guards/Mutes/Sax Neck Pouches
Ukrainian company featuring various leather trumpet mouthpieces pouches, valve guards, sax neck pouches, leather mutes
Michael GlassDouble BassesGerman company featuring high-segmented, professional double basses
Michael MönnigCello/Violin/Viola/Double Bass BowsGerman company featuring various bows for double bass, viola, violin, cello
Michael RathTrombones/Spare PartsBritish company featuring various trombones and related spare parts
Micker ProMicrophone SterilizerSouth Korean company featuring a microphone sterilizer
micWClip-On Microphones/Boundary MicrophonesChinese company featuring clip-on, boundary, shotgun microphones
MidasPA Systems/Mixers/In-Ear Components/

Multicore Systems/Preamps/Stage Boxes
British pro audio company (acquired by Music Tribe) featuring PA systems, digital, analogue mixers, in-ear (wired) components, multicore systems, preamps and stage boxes
MidiplusMIDI Keyboards/Audio InterfacesTaiwanese company making various MIDI keyboards, USB audio interfaces
MiditechAudio Interfaces/MIDI Interfaces/

MIDI Tools/Sound Modules/MIDI Keyboards
German company featuring various audio interfaces, MIDI keyboards, tools and sound modules
MidlandWalkie TalkiesItalian company featuring walkie talkies
Mike McLean MutesBrass MutesBritish company featuring a wide array of brass mute for all brass family instruments
Millant-DerouxRosinsFrench company featuring a single double bass rosin
MilleniumAcoustic Drums/Electronic Drums/


Drum Hardware/Stands
Thomann's exclusive brand featuring acoustic, electronic drums, cymbals, sticks, percussions, drum hardware, stands
MinotaurGuitar/Ukulele/Banjo Straps/

Pick Holders/Guitar Jewellery
Greek company featuring straps for guitars, ukuleles, banjos as well as pick holders, guitar jewellery and related accessories

Trombones/Tenor/Bariton Horns/

German company featuring professional level trumpets, flugelhorns, trombones, tenor, baritone horns, tubas, related mouthpieces and accessories
MixarsDJ MixersAustralian company featuring various DJ mixers
Mod DevicesVSTi Players/FootswitchesGerman company featuring a unique VSTi player in hardware format and also a related footswitch
ModalAnalogue SynthsBritish company making analogue desktop synths, wavetable synths and keyboards
Mode MachinesSequencers/Recording LightGerman company featuring a single step sequencer and a recording LED light
MoeckRecorders/AccessoriesGerman company featuring various recorders and accessories
MollenhauerRecorders/AccessoriesGerman company featuring various recorders and accessories
MonacorPA Speakers/Installation Equipment/

DI Boxes/Wireless Transmitters/

Intercom Headphones/Plugs/

Connectors/MP3 Players
PA speakers, installation equipment, DI boxes, wireless transmitters, intercom headphones, plugs, connectors, mp3 players
Monkey BananaActive Reference MonitorsGerman company focusing on various active nearfield monitors and related accessories
Monoj Kumar SardarShruti Boxes/TanpurasIndian company making shruti boxes, tanpuras
MooerGuitar/Acoustic Amps/Multi Effects/

Guitar Effect Pedals/Power Supplies/

Cables/Wireless Systems
Chinese company featuring electric guitar, bass guitar amps, multi-effects, guitar effect pedals, power supplies, patch cables, wireless systems
MoserBridges for Cello/Double Bass/

Tailpieces/Taps/Installation Gauge
German company featuring bridges, tailpieces for cello and double basses, taps, installation gauges
MuramatsuFlutes/BagsJapanese flute manufacturer featuring open and closed hole flutes and cases, bags
Muramatsu BatonsMusic BatonsJapanese brand making various music batons
MusafiaCases for Violin/ViolaItalian company featuring highest segmented, multi-ply cases for violins and violas
Music FoundationStave Pens/RefillmentGerman company featuring stave pens for music writing
MusikBoutiqueMusical GiftsGerman company featuring various gift items in the context of musical instruments
Mutable InstrumentsEurorack Modules/SlotsFrench company making a wide array of Eurorack modules: envelopes, filters, VCAs, LFOs, triggers, sequencers, synths, effect modules
MUTE-TUBETrumpet Practice BoothAustrian company making unique trumpet practice booths for silent practices
MutecDigital Converters/Synchronizers/

Clocks/Expansion Interfaces
German company featuring digital converters, synchronizers, clocks, expansion interfaces
mwmDigital Vinyl System/Wireless Controllers/

French company making wireless controllers for digital vinyl systems, cases and accessories
My WorldPorcelain Mugs/PostcardsBritish company featuring porcelain mugs, postcards and various gift items
myVoltsPatch Cables/Power Supplies/

Synth Accessories
German company featuring patch cables, power supplies, synth accessories
NadirMouthpieces for SaxGerman-made boutique level mouthpieces for every kind of saxophones
NagasoftLive Streaming TabletChinese company featuring a fully-featured, live streaming tablet for broadcasters
NANO ModulesEurorack Modules/SlotsSpanish company making Eurorack modules, related parts and components
Native InstrumentsSoftware/Groove Boxes/MIDI Keyboard/

Controllers/Audio Interfaces
German company famous for its MIDI keyboard, controllers, groove machines as well as leading music software and plugins
Nature WorksCleaning AgentsAustrian company producing cleaning agents for instruments with all-natural contents
NEO InstrumentsGuitar Effect Pedals/AccessoriesGerman-made guitar effect pedals
NeukubraStands for AccordionGerman-made stands for accordions

German-made professional studio-grade mics, headphones, monitors, cables, preamps
Neural DSPGuitar ProcessorFinnish company with their innovative Quad Cortex processor for guitar amps, cabinets, speakers

World-class connectors, cables, patch bays. Industry-standard quality from Liechtenstein
NiciCases for RecordersGerman company manufacturing cool cases for recorders
NinoPercussionsSubbrand of Meinl. High quality, affordable percussions from a German industry leader company
NobelsGuitar Effect PedalsGerman-made overdrive pedals, 2 items available
NovaPA/SpeakersGerman-made professional PA speakers, active subwoofer
NovationSynth/Keyboards/Modules/BagsBritish company focusing on synths, sound modules, keyboards and controllers
NowsonicKeyboard Stand/Wireless SystemsGerman company manufacturing keyboard stands, wireless systems and components.
NTI AudioAudio Measurement Tools/Intercom SystemsA company from Liechtenstein making specific audio measurement tools, microphones and accessories
NuraHeadphonesAustralian company manufacturing headphones
NuvoRecorder/Wind InstrumentsChinese company manufacturing recorders and various wind instruments out of plastic materials
NuxGuitar Effect Pedals/Amps/

Wireless Systems
Chinese brand for one of the best budget-friendly yet high-quality guitar effect pedals, preamps, amp, wireless systems
NymanRosinsSwedish company manufacturing rosing for violin, double bass, cello
ObsidianLighting Equipment/ComponentsDutch company focusing on lighting gear and components
ocarinamusicOcarinaHandmade Austrian ocarinas
OehlbachHeadphone Stands/Adapter CablesGerman company focusing on cables, adapters, headphone stands, holders
OktavaMicrophones/Components/AccessoriesRussian pro audio company focusing on microphones only, with a lot of parts, accessories and components
Okura+muteBrass MutesJapanese company manufacturing impressive brass mutes
Olli HessGong BeatersGerman-made gong beaters, this company only manufactures beaters
OmniluxLighting/LampGerman company focusing on lighting equipment particularly lamps and components
OmnitronicMixers/Loudspeaker StandGerman-made innovative mixers, speaker stands, pro audio equipment
On TriggerBass Drum TriggersCzech company manufacturing innovative bass drum triggers
On-StageStands/Bags/AccessoriesGerman company focusing on stands, cases, bags for drums, lighting gear, wireless systems
One ControlGuitar/Bass Amps/

Effect Pedals/Accessories
Japanese made guitar/bass effect pedals, amps, power supply, accessories
Opti-CareSax Swabs/Cleaning ProductsBritish company focusing on sax swabs, cleaning aid
OptimaGuitar/Bass/Violin/Folk Inst. StringsGerman-made high-quality strings for guitar, bass, acoustic, violin, nylon, folklore instruments
Opus MagnumDouble Bass/Cello DecouplerItalian company featuring high segmented double bass, cello decoupler which helps to isolate those instruments from the surface
OrangeGuitar/Bass Amps/Headphones/

Cables/Bass Guitars
British made iconic guitar amps, also features a set of bass amps, headphones, cables, guitar effect pedals
OrcaBags for Audio GearHigh-quality bags for audio gear from an Israeli manufacturer
OrionGuitar Effect PedalsGerman pedal manufacturer, only a single item available
OrtegaClassical/Acoustic Guitars/

Ukuleles/Bluegrass/Acoustic Amps/

Accessories/Wireless Systems
German company manufacturing classical, acoustic guitars, bluegrass, ukuleles, acoustic amps, strings, wireless systems
OrtofonDJ Equipment/

Turntable Components/Cables
Danish company focusing on DJ equipment, especially components, parts, accessories for turntables
OrtolaBags for Brass/WoodwindSpanish company focusing on bags for brass, woodwinds and drumsticks
Oscar Adler & Co.Clarinets/Bassoons/OboesBoutique level, handmade clarinets, bassoons, oboes, clarinet parts
OsramLighting/LampGlobally known lighting company. There are different types of lamps available
OtamatoneOtamatoneJapanese brand famous with this unique instrument
Otto Jos. KlierViolinGerman-made high-quality violins
Otto MusicaStrings for Bow Instruments, Accessories/

Folk Instrument Strings/Learning Aids
Small German company focusing on strings for bow instruments and folk instrument. Learning aids, components for string instruments
OverscoreRemovable Tape ManuscriptVery unique adhesive product for manuscripts
P&HBows/AccessoriesBritish company manufacturing only bows for strings as well as spare parts for bows
P.MauriatSaxophonesFrench sax brand only focusing on sax and related accessories
Paetzold by KunathBass RecordersGerman company making boutique level, high-segmented bass recorders and related accessories
PahlerSound Posts for Bow InstrumentsGerman company making sound posts for bow instruments
PaisteDrum Cymbals/Sticks/Mallets/

Swiss drum cymbal company making any kind of cymbals, accessories, sticks, mallets and clothing
PanasonicBatteriesJapanese company making a huge array of media products. Thomann only features a set of batteries
ParamountResonator GuitarsGerman guitar brand for resonator guitars with high value/money and good feedback
PartslandGuitar Parts/Knobs/AccessoriesSouth Korean guitar parts company. Thomann only features knobs and jack plates
PASPower Amp/LimiterGerman-made high-quality yet affordable power amps, limiters
Paulus & Schuler GbRClarinet BarrelsGerman company manufacturing high-quality barrels for clarinets
PaulyPop Filter/Gooseneck/ComponentsGerman company making high-quality pop filters, gooseneck and related accessories
pBonePlastic Trombone/MouthpiecesBritish company making plastic brass instruments, trumpets, trombone, buzzer and related mouthpieces
pBuglePlastic BuglesBritish company making plastic brass instruments, bugles and related mouthpieces
pBuzzPlastic Buzzer/MouthpiecesBritish company making plastic brass instruments, trumpets, trombone, buzzer and related mouthpieces
PCEPower Cable/Connector/

Austrian company making power-related cables, connector, components and parts
PCE MerzPower DistributorsGerman company making power distributors
Pearl FlutesFlutes/Accessories/Spare PartsJapanese flute brand as well as related accessories and parts
PecatteRosinsFrench company manufacturing rosins for bow instruments
PediViolin Cases/Shoulder RestTaiwanese brand making high-quality cases for violin, viola and also for bows
PeliDurable CasesSpanish made industrial cases for universal usages, accessories, record and CDs
PendimBeaters/Percussions AccessoriesBulgarian brand making beaters for orchestral percussions, vibraphone and xylophones
PenzelBows/AccessoriesGerman bow manufacturer making boutique level bows for cello, double bass, violin and viola
PerantucciTrombone/Tuba MouthpiecesUK brand making high-quality trombone and tuba mouthpieces
Peter GaneBrass MutesBritish company making brass mutes for every brass instrument
Peter HessSinging Bowls/Therapy/BeatersGerman-made music therapy instruments. Singing bowls, temple cymbals, bells, beaters and accessories
Peter LeuthnerSaxophone/Clarinet ReedsAustrian company manufacturing reeds for clarinet, saxophones
Peter OberrauchBrass/Trumpet/Baritone/FlugelhornItalian company making handmade, boutique level brass for professional players

Austrian manufacturer making a wide array of accessories for bow instruments such as bows, bags, cases, cleaning products, shoulder rests and rosins
Philipp HammigFlutes/Accessories/Spare PartsGerman flute manufacturer making professional level flutes
PhilipsLightingGlobally known lighting company. There are different types of lamps available
Phoenix ContactCable ConnectorGerman electronic component manufacturer, making cable connectors
PhonicMixer/SpeakerTaiwanese brand making audio gear, mixers, speakers
PicatoStringsBritish string company making a set of strings for guitars, ukuleles
PilgerstorferSaxophone/Clarinet ReedsAustrian company making reeds for sax and clarinet
PioneerIn-Ear Headphones/Switches/ComponentsJapanese leading company in audio gear. Thomann features an in-ear headphone and a variety of switches
PirastroStrings for Bow Instruments, Accessories/

Shoulder Rests/Rosins/Cleaning
German company manufacturing high-quality strings for bow instruments as well as related accessories
PisoloCastor CupUK company importing and branding various products. Thomann only features castor cups
PisoniWind Instrument PadsItalian company making high-quality pads for flutes, clarinets, saxophones and related components
Pitch-KeyDrop Tuning System for GuitarsPossibly British made drop tuning addon for guitars and basses
PlaschkePan Flute/OkarinaItalian company making various pan flutes and okarinas
Plastic HeadJigsaw PuzzleBritish company making cool jigsaw puzzles in the context of legendary bands
PlayDifferentlyDj MixersAllen & Heath's brand for highest segmented DJ mixers around from Britain
PlaynickSaxophone/Clarinet Reeds/

Mouthpieces/Woodwind Accessories
Austrian company focusing on clarinet reeds, sax and clarinet mouthpieces
PlaywoodOrchestral Percussions/

Italian company making orchestral percussion as well as beaters and mallets. Also features accessories for this category
PokketMixerSmall German company making pocket mixers
PöltlBrass MutesGerman company making a series of straight mutes for brass instruments
PolyendControllers/Step SequencerVery unique Polish company making innovative controllers, step sequencer and modules
Polyend & DreadboxHybrid SynthA single item that came out from a collab between Dreadbox and Polyend companies
PomaricoSaxophone/Clarinet MouthpiecesItalian company making crystal glass mouthpieces for sax and clarinet
PonoUkuleleHawaiian brand making a set of nice quality ukuleles
POWERbreatheBreathing Training ToolsBritish company focusing on breathing training tools for wind players
PowersoftPower AmpsItalian pro audio company focusing on various power amps for audio applications
PowerstopfPower Pot for French HornDutch company making power pots for French horns
PrecieuxBags for Brass/BrasswindCOO information not available. This company features a couple of affordable yet nice quality bags for brass and brasswind
Precision DevicesSpeakers/Parts/ComponentsBritish company making high-quality replacement speakers with perfect ratings
PrestoDouble Bass StringsGerman company manufacturing strings for double bass
PrimBow Instrument Strings/Parts/AccessoriesSwedish brand making strings for cello, violin as well as parts
Prism SoundAudio Interfaces/Parts/AccessoriesA boutique level pro audio company from the UK. Featuring high-segmented audio interfaces for professional studios
Pro LineBrass MutesGerman company making mutes for brass instruments
Pro NaturaClassical Guitar Bundle/Irish BouzoukiMade by GEWA. Only features a classical guitar bundle and bouzouki
pro snakeCables/Adapter Cables/Stage GearThomann's own brand for cables. Features all type of cable for every audio need
Pro-JectDJ Turntables/Turntable SetsAustrian company featuring various turntables and turntables sets
ProdectorDJ DecksaversDutch company making deck savers for DJ gear
ProdipeActive Reference Monitors/SoftwareFrench company making affordable reference monitors as well as notation and music software
ProelPA/Monitors/Stage Gear/

Wireless Systems/Accessories
Italian pro audio company making PA gear, monitors, wireless systems and related accessories
Prof. W. HilgersTuba MouthpiecesGerman company making mouthpieces for tube
ProvidenceGuitar Effect PedalsJapanese guitar effect pedal manufacturer
PSI AudioActive Reference MonitorsSwiss-made, boutique level reference monitors
pTrumpetPlastic Trombone/MouthpiecesBritish company making plastic brass instruments, trumpets, trombone, buzzer and related mouthpieces
PunchlightLighting/ControllerCOO information may be wrong. A small company making lighting gear, lamp, controllers

Austrian company making high-quality percussions as cajon, cymbals, crushes, stompbox and related accessories

Signal Extenders/Computer Adapters
German manufacturer focusing on cables, adapter cables, plugs, signal extenders, computer adapters, wireless transmitters
PyramidStrings for Guitars/Bass/

Mandolin/Ukulele/Folk Instruments
German string manufacturer featuring almost every string for any instruments
QuayModel Instrument Kits for KidsAffordable wooden instrument kits for kids from a British manufacturer. Definitely check this out
QuercusNotepad/Chord Template PrinterCOO information not available, Thomann has a variety of notepads and a unique chord template printer.
QuestedActive Reference MonitorsBoutique level active nearfield monitors from a British manufacturer
Radikal TechnologiesEurorack Modules/EffectsGerman company making various Eurorack modules, effects
RaimundoClassical Guitar/CasesHigh-quality handmade classical and flamenco guitars from legendary company in Spain
Rainer W. LeonhardtCello/ViolinGerman company making professional level, highest segmented cellos, violins
RamirezNylon String Classical Guitars/Cases/StringsSpanish classical guitar manufacturer, featuring high-segmented instruments as well as cases and strings
Rampone & CazzaniSaxophones/Saxophone MouthpiecesItalian company making professional level saxophones, high-segmented instruments only as well as mouthpieces for sax players
RAV VastHandpans/Steel Tongue Drums/

Estonian handpans, steel tongue drums maker
RC StringsClassical Guitar StringsSpanish made nylon guitar strings
RCFPA/Monitors/Stage Gear/

Audio Tools/Accessories
Italian pro audio company making PA gear, monitors, audio tools, installation equipment and related accessories
RCSPower Amp/Microphone/

Preamp Mixer/

Transformer Components
German pro audio company making high-segmented power amps, microphone for mixing amp, mixing preamps, transformers
ReanConnectors/Plugs/PatchbaysA subbrand of Neutrik, high-quality connectors, plugs, adapters and patch bays
ReedmasterLigatures/CapsGerman manufacturer making ligatures and caps for clarinets and sax
Reeds 'n StuffStands for Clarinet/Bassoon/

Brass/Case/Bags for Wind Instruments
German company manufacturing all about wind instruments stands and cases
ReginaDrum HeadCOO information not available. The company features only a snare drum head (goat)
RekaBrasswind/Woodwind Cleaning AidsGerman company making cleaning kits, grease, oil for woodwind, brasswind instruments
Relax SensationMusic Therapy Accessories/Gong Stand/

Heat Board for Singing Bowls
German company focusing on music therapy instruments add-ons, accessories. Gong stands and heat board for singing bowls
ReloopDJ Gear/Turntables/Accessories/

German company focusing on DJ gear and equipment, related accessories. Turntables, accessories, cases, spare parts
ReutlingerCable Glider/Holder/Wire Rope HolderGerman manufacturer making industry-grade cable glider, holder, wire rope holders and rigging components
REV RitterElectronic Components/

Power Strip/Cable Drum
Austrian electronic components, parts company making power strip, cable drums and components
RGBLinkVideo/AV Mixer/CameraChinese video gear company featuring video/av mixers and cameras
RGC MutesBrass MutesSpanish company making uniquely designed brass mutes.
RichterStraps/PartsGerman company making high-quality straps for guitars, bass, accordion, wireless systems.
RichwoodGuitarsDutch guitar company making guitars, banjos. Thomann features only a parlour model acoustic guitar
RiedConnPower DistributorsGerman company making various power distributors in different formats
RiedlMarching Band AccessoriesGerman manufacturer featuring marching band accessories, mostly lyres
RigoutatEnglish Horn/ObuaFrench company making professional-level English horns, obua
RigportPower Distributors/Speaker TwistsGerman company making power distributors, speaker twists
RillionReeds for SaxophonesChinese brand making various reeds for saxophones
RisaUkulele/Ukulele Strings/

German company focusing on mostly ukuleles with unique designs as well as ukulele strings, stands, cases
RitterCases/Bags for Guitars, String,

Folk, Accordion, Wind,

Cymbals, Percussions, Keys
Swiss company making one of the biggest lines of cases for guitars, string instruments, folk, accordion, wind, cymbals, percussion, keys
RMSound Diffuser for Guitar AmpsGerman company featuring very innovative addons for guitar amps to diffuse the sound and beam blocking
RoadworxKeyboard Stands/Monitor/

Mobile Device Accessories/

Studio Stands/

Lighting Hardware/PA Gear Bags
Thomann's exclusive brand and brand for stands, monitor accessories, mobile device addons, studio stands, lighting gear and PA gear bags
RobauxEurorack Modules/SequencerGerman company focusing on Eurorack modules, sequencer, triggers
RockbagBags for Keyboard/Drum Hardware/

Orchestral Percussions/Frets/Drum Rugs
Warwick's bags and additional hardware brand featuring bags for keyboards, drum hardware, orchestral percussion, mixing gear and some covers
RockcareGuitar Maintenance/Setup KitWarwick's brand for guitar maintenance and set up kits, additional gadgets and tools
RockcaseCases/Bags for Guitars/Bass/

Warwick's brand for cases, bags for guitars, basses, pedalboard, racks, microphone, PA
RocknetAudio Network Systems/

German company manufacturing audio distribution network products, interfaces, cables
RockpowerPower SuppliesWarwick's brand for power supplies, adapter
RockruepelCompressor/PreampsGerman pro-audio company making professional level, highest segmented compressor, preamps
RockstandGuitar Stands/CoversWarwick's brand for multiple guitar stands and related covers
RodeMicrophones/Audio Interfaces/

Compact Studios/

Podcast Systems/Accessories
Australian company for industry-standard microphones, compact multitrack studios, podcast, broadcast systems, audio interfaces and related accessories
RodenbergGuitar Effect PedalsGerman company making various guitar effect pedals
Roger SchultEQ ModulesGerman pro-audio company focusing on modular EQ products
RohemaDrum Sticks/Mallets/Beaters/BrushesA German company with a focus on drum sticks, mallets, beaters, brushes
RokoBags for Wind InstrumentsGerman company making various bags for wind instruments
RolandSynths/Digital Pianos/MIDI Keyboards/

Audio Interfaces/

Electronic Drums/Electric Guitar Amps/

Accordions/Audio Interfaces
Legendary Japanese company making one of the biggest lines in musical instruments, featuring synths, pianos, keyboards, audio interfaces, amps, accordions and audio interfaces
Roland DigitalMulticoreRoland's digital line featuring a digital multicore
Rolf HandschuchSheet Music FolderGerman company featuring music sheet folders
RoliMulti-Touch Controller/MIDI ControllersOne of the most innovative companies of this era from the UK featuring multitouch controllers, MIDI controllers, boards
RomanaViolin/Folk Instrument StringsGerman company focusing on violing strings as well as some folk instrument strings
ROOMs Audio LineHeadphone StandsGerman company making cool headphone stands made of woods, metal
RosendahlSyncronizer/TimecodeA German company with a focus on professional-grade synchronizers, MIDI timecode interfaces
Roth & JuniusCello/Violin/Viola/

Grand Piano/Accessories
Thomann's exclusive brand featuring handmade, high-quality violin, violas, cellos, grand pianos, related accessories
RotolightVlogging Cameras/LightsA British company with a focus on vlogging, cameras, lights

Folk Instrument Strings
British string manufacturer making strings for guitars, basses, folk instruments, string instruments
Royal OakRosins/String CleanerMade by GEWA, featuring rosin, string cleaners
RTMReel/Tape/CassettesFrench company featuring vintage reel tapes, cassettes
RTWAudio Metering Software/ToolsGerman-made audio measuring tools with related software

Double Bass Tuning Machines
German manufacturer focusing on tuning machines for acoustic instruments such as ukulele, guitars, mandolins, double bass
Ruby TubesTubesAffordable yet high-quality vacuum tubes for guitar amps from China
Rudolf MeinlTuba/Tuba MouthpiecesGerman manufacturer with a focus on professional level tubas, tuba mouthpieces
RumbergerClarinet Microphone/

Mic Adapter/Cables
German manufacturer with a focus on clarinet microphones, related accessories, cables, adapters
RycoteMicrophone Shockmount/

British manufacturer making microphone shock mounts, mounts, boom stands, accessories
SalviHarps/AccessoriesItalian company manufacturing high-segmented harps and related accessories
SandbergBass Guitars/Strings/AccessoriesGerman company focusing on all types of bass guitars as well as related accessories
SandnerFluteGerman-made flutes for marching bands and related accessories, parts
SankenMicrophonesJapanese manufacturer making high-quality, high-segmented microphones. Condensers, lapel, stereo and video microphones
SankyoFluteJapanese made high-quality, professional-level flutes and related parts
SaramonicMicrophones/Wireless SystemsChinese manufacturer focusing on a wide variety of microphones for audio/video work as well as wireless systems, related parts and components
SartoryRosinsFrench company manufacturing rosins, only a single item available
SASViolin Table StandMade by GEWA, only featuring a violin table stand under this brand
SauterPianoGerman piano manufacturer featuring a couple of antique pianos
SavarezStrings for Nylon String Classical Guitars/


Violin/Folk Instruments
French string company making strings for classical guitars, violins, folk instruments
SaxRaxSaxophone StandSax stands from a British manufacturer
SazBağlama/Oud/Kemençe/BuzuqTurkish manufacturer making a set of folk instruments such as bağlama, oud, kemençe, buzuq
sbipElectric Violin/Cello/AccessoriesGerman company focusing on electronic violins, cellos and related parts, accessories
Scala VilagioViolin/Cello/Double Bass/Viola/

Bows/Folk Instruments
Thomann's exclusive brand for high-quality violins, viola, cello, double bass as well as bows and related accessories. Made in Germany, Romania, China depending on the segment
ScandalliAccordionsItalian made high-quality, professional-level accordions
ScarliDouble Bass PickupsItalian made double bass pickups

Austrian company making excellent brass instruments such as trumpets, cornets, trombones, bass trumpets, flugelhorns as well as saxophones and related accessories. Higher segmented products made in AT, mid-segmented ones in TW
Schagerl DrumsDrums/Orchestral PercussionsAustrian company (same brand with Schagerl) making drums, orchestral percussion, snares
SchallerGuitar Parts/Knobs/Bridges/

Machine Heads/Switches
German company offering a wide variety of guitar parts and components
SchallochDjembe/CajonGerman percussion company featuring djembes and cajons
SchertlerAcoustic Amps/Pickups for String/

Folk Instruments/Stands/Parts
Swiss company making acoustic amps as well as pickups for acoustic instruments, stands, parts and accessories
SchillCable DrumsGerman company focusing on cable drums, industrial grade and high-quality
SchimmelPianoGerman piano manufacturer, featuring only a couple of used pianos. High-segmented pianos only
SchlagKraftMalletsAustrian mallet company making a wide variety of marimba mallets
SchlagwerkCymbals/Cajon/Slit Drums/

German company focusing on cymbals, cajon, slit drums, frame drums and related percussions, sticks and mallets, related educational materials
SchlipfBrass Mutes/BooksAustrian company making mutes for tuba, euphonium and low register brass as well as educational materials
SchneiderDulcimer/Recorder/AccessoriesSmall German manufacturer making dulcimers, recorders and related accessories
SchoepsMicrophones/Accessories/CablesGerman microphone manufacturer making a wide variety of mics for many different applications. Also featuring cables and related accessories, parts

Buffet & Crampon's brand made in Germany. Featuring clarinets, bassoons and related parts, accessories
Schroeter - YamahaPower SuppliesGerman manufacturer featuring a single power supply, the successor of Yamaha power supplies
SchuermannCurrent FiltersGerman company featuring a single item, a current filter for guitar effect pedal setups
SchwarzJaw Harp/Straps for Brass/

Austrian company making jaw harps and straps for brass, woodwind and accordions
SD SystemsInstrument MicrophonesDutch company making various instrument microphones for guitar, sax, trumpet, clarinet as well as preamps
SE ElectronicsMicrophones/Acoustic Treatment/

British company focusing on nice value/money microphones as well as acoustic treatment products
SeeburgPA Systems/Speakers/

Installation Speakers/

German company making PA systems, speakers, installation speakers, monitors and related accessories
SeetronicConnectors/Plugs/AccessoriesChinese company manufacturing only plugs, connectors, accessories and parts
SeikoMetronomes/TunersJapanese brand making metronomes, tuners and related gear
SeilerPianoGerman piano manufacturer, making high-quality, professional pianos

German company focusing on percussions mainly on cajons, handpans, shakers as well as related accessories and parts
SeleS by SelmerClarinet/Saxophone/MouthpiecesSelmer's subbrand, distributed by Musik Meyer, featuring sax, clarinet and mouthpieces
SelmerClarinet/Saxophone/Mouthpieces/Cases/ReedsLegendary French manufacturer for saxophones, clarinets, reed and related accessories and parts
SennheiserHeadphones/Wireless/Microphones/AccessoriesLegendary German manufacturer for high-quality microphones for multiple applications as well as wireless systems, monitoring gear
Sensory PercussionDrum Trigger/SoftwareSwedish company making drum triggers with related software as bundles
SenstrokeDrum SensorFrench company making bluetooth drum sensors
SequenzCases/Bags/Racks/StandsCOO information may not be correct but looks like this is a subbrand of Korg. Cases, bags, racks and stands for mostly Korg products
SessiondeskStudio FurniturePortuguese company making highly functional custom made tables/desks for audio engineers and alike
SEW HandpanHandpanItalian company making high-quality handpans
ShadowPickups/Transducers/Components/PartsGerman manufacturer for almost every type of pickups for many instruments
ShapingwavesSound LibraryGerman company making sound libraries in different contexts
SharkfinGuitar PicksSwedish made guitar picks in shark fin format
ShermanAnalogue Filters/BanksBelgian company making analogue filters, banks
ShowtecLighting/Controller/Smoke Machine/LampsDutch company making all about lighting gear and equipment as well as smoke machines, controllers and lamps
ShusterLute CasesCzech company making lute cases
SIBBass Drum Mic HolderGerman company featuring a single mic holder for bass drums
SiermanTrombonesChinese company manufacturing high-quality trombones for all levels
SiguDrum HoopsLatvian company making solid wood drum hoops
SirusWireless Receivers/TransmittersThomann's exclusive brand, featuring wireless transmitters, receivers.
SitunoPiano BenchesMade in Germany, featuring a couple of piano benches.
SkooveOnline Piano LessonGerman company making online piano lessons for different subscription offers
SkyGelDrum DampersGerman company making innovative yet simple drum dampers (in gel format)
SlapKlatzDrum DampersDanish company making innovative yet simple drum dampers (in gel format)
Slide O MixBrass Cleaning/LubricantsLegendary German company for their lubricants and brass cleaning products
Smoke FactorySmoke Machines/Related AccessoriesGerman company focusing on smoke machines, related accessories and products
SNDSynchronizersGerman company focusing on high-precision synchronizers for advanced clock management
SoftubeSoftware/Plugin/ControllerSwedish company making audio plugins as well as hardware controllers
Solar GuitarsGuitar/Bass/CasesOla Englund's guitar brand from Sweden. Very cool designs that are worth checking out
SoltonPA Systems/SpeakersGerman company focusing a set of PA systems, speakers and related accessories
SOMASynths/Effect Modules/

Drum Machines/Bags/Accessories
Polish company making various synths, effect modules, drum machines, bags, accessories
Sommer CableInstrument/Microphone/

Audio/Speaker Cables/Plugs/Connectors
German company focusing on all types of cables for audio related scenarios as well as many plugs for building cables
SonarworksSpeaker/Headphone Calibration Software/

Measurement Microphone
Legendary Latvian company making speaker and headphone calibration software also featuring measurement microphones for those pieces of software
SonibleDI Box/MADI Converter/SoftwareAustrian company making USB DI boxes, MADI converters, effect plugins
SonicwareSynthJapanese company manufacturing cool and compact synths
SonifexReference Monitors/Preamps/

Headphone Amps/

British pro audio company focusing on professional-level audio gear, reference monitors, preamps, headphone amps, synchronizer, patch bays
Sonitus AcousticsDrum DampersCroatian company focusing on drum dampers
SonorDrums/Cymbals/Drum Hardware/

Orchestral Percussions/Accessories
German drum manufacturer, featuring shell sets, cymbals, hardware, orchestral percussion, accessories and related parts, components
SonosaxAudio Interfaces/Line Adapter CablesSwiss-made, professional-level USB audio interface (mic preamp) as well as related line adapter cables
SontronicsMicrophones/Studio StandsBritish company focusing on dynamic, condenser, ribbon and broadcast microphones
SonuusMIDI Converter/Volume Pedal/

Breakout Cable
British company famous for their guitar to MIDI converters also featuring volume pedals and breakout cables

Portable Audio Recorder
Japanese brand for audio, video gear. Thomann only features headphones, microphones and portable audio recorders
SoundbellowsDiatonic Squeeze BellsGerman company making very unique diatonic bells that can be squeezed for individual notes
SoundboksPortable PA Systems/

Danish company making portable PA systems also featuring bundles which include a microphone, stands, batteries
SoundbrennerPulse Metronome/Smart ToolsGerman company making very innovative and unique metronomes that work with pulse formed in a watch
SoundcornerCajonGerman manufacturer making octagon-shaped cajons
SoundcraftMixers/Audio Interfaces/

Multicore Systems
British pro audio company making mixers, audio interfaces, multicore systems
SoundfreshBrass MouthpiecesGerman company making specialized trumpet, flugelhorn mouthpieces
SoundGalaxiesCrystallophoneGerman-made, highest quality crystallophones
SoundmanBinaural/Electret MicrophonesGerman company focusing on binaural microphones
SoundStudioDigital StageboxIsraeli pro-audio company making digital stage boxes, distributed by Waves
SoundSwitchMicro DMX InterfaceNew Zealand company making micro DMX interfaces
SoundwearBags for Wind/String/KeyboardGerman company manufacturing various cases for wind, string, keyboard
SovtekTubesLegendary tube manufacturer from Russia, however, it's been acquired by EHX

Headphone Amps/

Converters/Mixers/EQ/Audio Interface
German company making a wide variety of pro audio gear such as preamps, EQ, limiters, audio interfaces, mixers, converters
SPO Drum PartsDrum DampersPossibly a German manufacturer focusing on drum dampers
SSLAudio Interfaces/Preamps/

Mixing Desks/Converters/

British pro audio company making audio interfaces, preamps, mixing desks, converters, compressors, EQ, limiter
StageworksSlipmat/Stick HolderBritish company making slipmats, stick holders
StageworxLighting/Staging Gear/Truss/

Stage Risers/Transport Systems
Possibly a German manufacturer focusing on lighting gear, staging equipment, trussing, stage risers, transport systems and related products
StaggString Instrument Stands/Strings/

Cases/Acoustic Amps/

Keyboard Stands/Straps
Belgian company making all sort of accessories for string instruments. Featuring cases, strings, acoustic amps, keyboard stands, straps
StahlhammerCello EndpinsGerman-made carbon endpin for cello which is flexible and can be adjusted
StairvilleStage Equipment/Lighting Gear/

LED/Smoke Machine/Laser/

PA Accessories/Green Screen
Thomann's exclusive brand for lighting, stage equipment. Featuring LED, smoke machines, lasers, PA accessories and even green screens
ständerwerkWooden Brass StandsItalian company making handmade, wooden brass stands for almost all brass family instruments
StanfordGuitarsGerman company making hollow body, vintage-looking electric guitars

Guitars/Keyboards/Drum Kits
Thomann's exclusive brand for covering entry-level instruments such as brass, string, brasswind, woodwind, accordions, guitars, keyboards and drums
StayKeyboard StandsBrazilian company focusing on mid-segmented keyboard stands
Stealth SonicsIn-Ear Monitor HeadphonesA very unique company from Singapore, making a set of high-segmented in-ear monitoring headphones
StentorCello/Violin/Viola/Double BassBritish manufacturer making one of the best yet affordable student line stringed instruments, featuring cellos, violins, violas (in many sizes), double basses
SteuerReeds for Clarinet, SaxophonesFrench company focusing on clarinet and saxophone reeds
StokyoCross Fader/DJ Pickup Cases/Scratch SetJapanese company featuring various products for DJs, such as mini crossfaders, pickup and cartridge cases, scratch cases
Stone DeafGuitar Effect PedalsBritish guitar effect pedal manufacturer, featuring cool designs, analogue guitar pedals
Stradivarius (Thorvaldsson)RosinsFrench company featuring only single rosin, shaped in violin with high ratings
StrandbergGuitars/Basses/Strings/StrapsSwedish guitar brand famous for their headless, modern guitar designs also featuring related straps and strings
StrasserAccordionsAustrian accordion manufacturer, featuring a couple of high-segmented accordions
StratosMouthpiece Practice AdaptersBritish company featuring a brass mouthpiece practice adapter that helps musicians to strengthen the embouchure
StraussRosinsGerman manufacturer-featuring single rosin for violin/viola instruments
StrettoHumidifier/Hygrometer/AccessoriesSwiss company featuring humidifier, hygrometers and related parts for bowed instruments, accessories
String TieString TiesGerman company focusing on string ties, endpin set for classical guitars, ukuleles
StubaiLuthier ToolsAustrian company featuring luthier chisels and tools
Studio 49Psaltery/Xylophones/Marimbas/


German company manufacturing a wide variety of orchestral percussions such xylophones, marimbas, glockenspiels as well as psaltery, cymbals, percussions
Studio DeskStudio FurnitureSlovenian company making studio furniture and related accessories, parts
StudiologicSynths/Master Keyboards/

Organs/Pianos/DAW Controlers/Pedals
Italian company focusing on keyboards, stage pianos, DAW controllers, organs, synths and related pedals, parts
Südtiroler MarschbuchhalterMarching Band AccessoriesItalian company focusing on marching band accessories, book holders and related parts
SunliteLighting Gear/DMX InterfaceSwiss lighting gear, software and architecture company featuring a couple of DMX interfaces, related cables, connectors
Super NikcoPolishing AgentsFrench manufacturer-featuring a single cleaning, polishing agent for violin
SuperstereoDj MixersBritish company focusing on rotary DJ mixers featuring tubes
SwissonLighting Gear/Interfaces/

DMX Controllers
Swiss company making lighting gear, wireless controllers, DMX controllers, interfaces
SwissonicReference Monitors/

Audio Interfaces/Headphone Amps/

Converters/Keyboards/PA Mixers
Thomann's exclusive brand fpr pro-audio gear making very affordable audio gear, reference monitors, audio interfaces, headphone amps, converters, master keyboards, PA mixers
SyrincsPA Systems/Speakers/

Installation Speakers/Cables/

Thomann's exclusive brand featuring all about PA systems for corporate audio installation speakers, related PA systems, cables and accessories
T-RexGuitar Effect PedalsDanish made high-quality guitar effect pedals
TADTubes/Spare Parts for Amps/CapsGerman company manufacturing tubes and electronic components for guitar amps

Acoustic Bass Guitars/

Japanese guitar manufacturer offering high value, innovative guitar designs
TaktMusic BatonsIndian manufacturer only producing music batons and accessories.
TamaDrum/Snares/AccessoriesJapanese iconic drum brand, there's a slight edge when bought from Thomann
TanglewoodAcoustic GuitarsBritish guitar brand focusing on acoustic guitars
TannoyActive Reference MonitorsBritish pro audio company manufacturing reference monitors
TAPStomp/Drum Boxes/

Preamps/Pickups for Folk Inst
Greek company manufacturing a wide variety of folk instrument pickups, stompboxes, preamps
tc electronicGuitar Effect Pedals/Plugins/

Bass Amps
Danish brand (acquired by MusicTribe) making guitar effect pedals, bass amps, plugins
TCMConfetti/StageDutch company manufacturing confetti related products thus called The Confetti Maker
TDrumDrum Mesh Heads/AccessoriesSwiss company making mesh heads and drum related accessories
TechraDrumsticksItalian made drum sticks
Teenage EngineeringSynths/Intercom/MonitorsSwedish company manufacturing very innovative synths, samplers, drum machines, intercom headsets and monitors
Tegeler Audio ManufakturCompressor/EQStudio-grade compressor, EQ from a German manufacturer
TelegärtnerEthernet Cable/Patch/ComponentsGerman-made ethernet cables, patches
TellerBow Instrument Parts/

German-made high-quality parts for bow instruments
TempelBow Instrument Parts/Chin Rests/Tailpieces/PegsGerman-made boutique level wooden parts of bow instruments
TerrePercussions/AccessoriesGerman company producing a wide variety of percussions, accessories
TesaFabric Tapes/Cable TiesAustrian company manufacturing tapes, PA accessories, cable ties
TFAHygrometerGerman company focusing on thermo-hygrometers
the boxPA Systems/Speakers/Stands/

Thomann's exclusive brand for all kinds of PA systems, active/passive speaker systems, wireless accessories, parts
the box proPA Systems/Speakers/Stands/

Thomann's exclusive brand for all kinds of PA systems, active/passive speaker systems, wireless accessories, parts. Aimed for clubs/stages/bigger venues
the sssnakeAudio CablesThomann's exclusive brands for audio cables
the t.akustikAcoustic Treatment Pads/AbsorbersThomann's exclusive brands for acoustic treatments, pads, foams
the t.ampGym/Sports PA/Passive Speakers/

Keyboard Amps/Accessories
Thomann's exclusive brands for PA equipment, speakers, installation speakers
the t.boneMicrophones/Headphones/

Thomann's exclusive brands for microphones, headsets, headphones, pro audio gear
the t.mixMixers/Audio Interfaces/

Monitor Controller
Thomann's exclusive brands for mixer, PA, interfaces, monitor controllers
the t.pcUSB DrivesThomann's exclusive brands for PC components, the only USB drives available
the t.racksRack Units/PA/Compressor/

Thomann's exclusive brand for rack units, compressor, limiters, lighting gear in all rack format
ThinwoodDrum Practice Pads/SilencerGerman-made practice pads additions silencer for drummers
ThomannString/Folk Instruments/Percussions/


Nylon String Classical Guitars/Accessories
Thomann's exclusive brand for covering string, folk instruments, percussions, stage pianos, digital pianos, sax, classical guitars, PA speakers.
ThomastikStrings for Guitars/Bass/

Violin/Cello/Double Bass/

Folk Instruments
Long established Austrian company manufacturing high-quality strings for almost every stringed instruments
ThonCases/Racks/Studio Gear/Lighting/MicrophonesThomann's exclusive brand for high-quality cases for the studio, lighting gear, microphones, rack units
ThorensTurntablesGerman brand manufacturing high-quality turntables and DJ gear
ThorpyFXGuitar Effect PedalsBritish brand manufacturing innovative guitar effect pedals
TidoViolin Shoulder RestsShoulder rests for violins from a Taiwanese brand
TIE StudioMicrophones/Microphone StandsGerman company focusing on affordable yet high-quality microphones and stands
Tierra AudioCompressor/Preamp/LimiterSpanish pro audio company making preamps, compressors, limiters for professional studios
Timber TonesGuitar PicksGuitar picks made of leather, exotic woods, bones from a British company
TimbraDrum/Latin PercussionsBrazilian company making Latin drums, percussions
TitanexCablesBritish company making Titanex patented flexible cables in bulk amount
ToKoSax Addon/Resonance EnhancerGerman-made innovative sax addon for better resonances and sound.
Tom & WillCases for Bow InstrumentsAffordable cases for bow instrument from a British manufacturer
Ton KooimanThumb Rests for Wind InstrumentsDutch company producing thumb rests for wind instruments, such as sax, clarinet, flute and oboe
TonGenauNotation AccessoriesAustrian company making notation accessories
Tools 4 WindsBrass MutesDutch company manufacturing brass mutes
TopstarChairsGerman company manufacturing ergonomic chairs for guitar players
Trace ElliotBass Amps/Cabinets/PedalsBritish company making bass guitar amps, cabinets, pedals and preamps. Subbrand of Peavey
TractelChain/IndustrialLuxembourger company making industrial chains and lifting components
TrapsDrums/AccessoriesGerman company making affordable and compact drums
TriggeraElectronic Drum TriggersSerbian company making drum triggers
TrigMicDrum TriggersRussian company featuring a single product: a laser drum trigger
TritonAudioMic Preamps/Adapters/ConnectorDutch company making innovative preamps, adapters, connectors
TrommusPercussions/AccessoriesDanish percussion company making innovative percussion and accessories
truss4barsTruss TrayGerman company manufacturing truss trays in different sizes and shapes
Tsakalis AudioWorksGuitar Effect PedalsGreek made cool guitar effect pedals
TTE KonklangMallets for Gongs/Rubber HandlesGerman company focusing on gong rubber handles, mallets, accessories
Tube Amp DoctorGuitar Amp Transformer/

German electronic company making a wide variety of power transformers, power attenuator and spare parts
Tube Amp ManufacturAmp Switch/DrivesGerman company making unique amp switches and organ drives
Tube-TechPreamp/Compressor/LimiterDanish pro audio company EQ, preamp, limiter, compressor
TungsramLighting/LampsHungarian lighting company making halide, incandescent lamps
TurbosoundPA Systems/Speakers/Stands/

Acquired by MusicTribe, a British company focusing on PA systems, speakers, stands
Twisted ElectronsSynths/SequencerFrench company focusing on analogue synths, sequencers, switches
U-TrainerBrass Practice AidGerman company manufacturing unique brass practice aid tools
UDGCases for DJ Equipment/SpeakersExcellent Dutch company focusing on cases and bags for DJ equipment
UDO AudioSynthsProfessional, high-grade synths from a British brand
UFIPDrum CymbalsItalian made drum cymbals
UlsaBow Instruments Parts/ComponentsLong established German company focusing on bow instruments parts, components and tool
UltraliteLighting/ComponentsCOO information is not available, various lighting products and components. Might be worth checking out
UltrasoneHeadphonesBoutique level German-made headphones for multi-purposes
UNiKADante Interface/DI Box/IsolatorTaiwanese company focusing on Dante interface expanders, DI boxes, isolators
UnipolMetal Polishing AgentGerman company manufacturing metal polishing agents
URSABelts/Straps for TransmittersBritish company manufacturing belts, mic foams, straps for transmitters, microphones
UVEXEar ProtectionGerman company manufacturing ear & hearing protection headphones
V3 SoundSound ModulesA very unique approach to external sound modules from this Austrian company
VaagunViolin Chin Rest CoverMade by GEWA, Possibly made in Chine, a variety of microfibre chin rest covers
ValetonGuitar Effect PedalsNice little company from China focusing on guitar effect pedals
VandorenSaxophone/Clarinet Reeds/

Mouthpieces/Woodwind Accessories
Leading woodwind/brasswind mouthpiece and reed brand from France
VartaCharger/Power BankGerman company manufacturing power banks, chargers and battery-related products
VarytecLighting/ComponentsThomann's exclusive brand for professional lighting equipment and accessories
VdbBoom PolesFrench company focusing on pro audio gear. Thomann only features a variety of boom poles and components
VemuramGuitar Effect PedalsJapanese made high-quality guitar effect pedals
Verbos ElectronicsEurorack Modules/OscillatorsGerman company focusing on oscillators, Eurorack modules
VermonaAnalogue Synths/EffectsGerman company focusing on all analogue synths, effects
Vermona ModularEurorack Modules/OscillatorsModular products of Vermona company
VhizzperTrumpet MutesGerman company manufacturing trumpet mutes
VibrassBrass Lip MassageVery unique embouchure massage device from an Austrian company for brass players
VicousticAcoustic Treatment Pads/AbsorbersPortuguese company manufacturing acoustic treatment, absorbers, pads
VictorinoxMulti-ToolsMulti-Tools/Swiss Army tools from a Swiss company featuring a wide variety of tools
ViennabowBows for String InstrumentsAustrian company manufacturing high-quality bows for almost every string instruments
ViolViolin Cleaning FluidsGerman company making violin cleaning fluid. Only a single item available, one of the top sellers
ViolectricHeadphone Amps/ComponentsGerman company manufacturing professional headphone amps/components.
VioletMicrophonesA very unique company from Estonia focusing only on professional level microphones.
VioTechComfort Cushion for Bow InstrumentsBritish manufacturer making a couple of comfort cushions for bows, ideal for violin, cello, viola bows
VisatonPA/Speakers/ComponentsGerman company focusing on installation speakers, components for PA systems
Visual productionsLighting Gear/SoftwareDutch company manufacturing lighting products, software
Viva la MusicaViolin/Viola Rests/

Cello Rubber Endpin
Slovenian company making shoulder rests for violin/viola, endpins for cellos
VMBTower LiftsSpanish company focusing on professional industry-standard tower lifts
Voigt BrassBrass MutesGerman-made mutes for every brass instruments.
VovoxCablesProfessional-grade audio/instrument cables from Switzerland
VoxGuitar/Bass Amps/CabinetsWorld-class guitar amps from the UK, huge price edge when bought from Thomann
vpme.deEurorack ModulesGerman-made Eurorack modules
VS AudioGuitar Effect PedalsGreek made cool guitar pedals
VSLSoftware/Virtual Instruments/

Sound Libraries
Vienna Symphonic Library is a world-famous software, virtual instruments company from Austria
W.E. DörflerBows for String InstrumentsGerman-made boutique level bows for cello and violin
W.E. Hill & SonsBow Instruments Cleaning/

British brand focusing on bow instruments accessories such as rosin, strings, cleaning agents
WagnerGuitar FretsAffordable guitar frets as a replacement part from a German company
WaldorfSynths/Eurorack Modules/SoftwareGerman company focusing on high-quality synths, sound modules, Eurorack housings, software and plugins
WallaceBrass MutesExcellent set of brass mutes from a Scottish manufacturer
WarchalBow Instrument StringsA very cool company from Slovakia manufacturing strings for bow instruments
WarnexSpeaker Paint/CoatingGerman company focusing on speaker paints, coating products
Warwick AcousticsHeadphones/Headphone AmpBoutique level headphone/pro audio company from Britain
WeehboGuitar Effect PedalsGerman guitar effect pedal company. A nice product line for drive pedals
WeidlerBow Instrument Strings/AccessoriesGerman-made strings for bow instruments, tailpieces, endpins
WeltmeisterAccordionsGerman-made high-quality accordions
WENTEXCurtain Clamps/TextileDutch company featuring decorative textile as well as curtain clamps
WernickXylophoneVery unique digital + analogue xylophones from a British manufacturer
WHDPA/Speakers/Intercom/ComponentsGerman-made PA systems, installation speakers, intercom systems
WidaraThereminCzech company manufacturing theremin and related gear
WielandElectrical ComponentsGerman electrical component manufacturers, only a couple of components available. Might be worth checking out
Wild DogStomp BoxesAustralian company making wooden stompboxes
WillsonBrass InstrumentsSwiss made professional level brass instruments from Euphonium to trombones
WincentDrum Sticks/MalletsSwedish made drum sticks, mallets, brushes and beaters
Wireless SolutionWireless SystemsHigh-quality Swedish made wireless systems
WisePortable SSDTaiwanese brand making portable SSDs for Blackmagic Design (4K Video)
WittnerBow Instrument Parts/

German company focusing on metronomes, bow instrument parts and components, stands
WolfShoulder/Chin Rests/End PinsDutch company manufacturing shoulder/chin rests for bow instruments as well as parts and accessories
Wood StoneSax Reeds/Clarinet LigaturesFrench-made reeds for sax, also a wide set of ligatures for many brands of clarinets and sax
WoodiesGuitar HangerBritish made invisible guitar hanger
wooDIXBows for String InstrumentsGerman-made carbon bows for violin, viola and cello
WorkLighting Equipment/ComponentSpanish company focusing on lighting control panels, stands and equipment
Worth StringsUkulele StringsUkulele strings from a Japanese manufacturer
WurlitzerClarinet MouthpiecesGerman-made mouthpieces for clarinets as well as ligature and caps
Xam SchrockClothingGerman clothing brand, featuring t-shirts with musical instruments.
Xaoc DevicesModular SynthsPolish company specialized in modular synths for electronic music.
XsonicMIDI Controllers/InterfacesProbably a Chinese company focusing on smart MIDI controllers and interfaces
YellowtecAudio Interfaces/Microphones/

A small German company focusing on pro audio gear
YODNLighting/LampsThe expert company in lighting types of equipment, lights from Taiwan
YonbergHarmonicasFrench company offering harmonicas and related accessories
ZählProaudio/EQ/Rack InsertBoutique level parametric EQ, rack inserts from Germany
ZaorStudio FurnitureRomanian made high-quality studio furniture.
ZaphirWind ChimesHigh-quality wind chimes from a French company. Very unique product line
ZappatiniSaxophone StrapsA nice and small manufacturer from Switzerland focusing on sax straps and accessories
ZARBass AmpsMade by GEWA, only featuring a single bass amp
Zero 88Lighting Control GearBritish made high-quality pro-lighting control desks and related gear
ZiegenspeckUkuleleGerman-made high quality and high-segmented ukuleles
ZOTravel Tuba/

Possibly an Australian company making travel tubas, euphonium, baritones
ZultanDrum CymbalsThomann's exclusive brand for all kinds of drum cymbals always guarantees high value for money products
ZupanAccordionsVery high quality and high-segmented, boutique level accordions from Slovenia
Zylia360 MicrophonesA very unique company from Poland, featuring 360 microphones

I know it’s mental but I believe many of my visitors from the USA & Canada will benefit from this piece of information. Especially for Thomann’s exclusive brands, it’s almost always guaranteed to give you an extremely high-value purchase even when bought from overseas!

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Osman Cenan ÇiÄŸil –

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