Klotz Titanium Guitar Cable vs Regular Cable Blind Test
Klotz Titanium vs generic guitar cable A/B audio test.
Klotz Titanium vs generic guitar cable A/B audio test.
SX SST62 Stratocaster upgraded with Graphtech or DiMarzio nut along with Elixir strings. Here is a quick demo and review of this budget-friendly Strat clone.
AMT P2 is an excellent dual-channel preamp that you can plug directly into your audio interface. Here are a quick demo and review of both channels.
Covered vs uncovered humbuckers may sound different. See how much difference between each option and learn how to put a cover on your pickups.
LePou Poulin’s free VST guitar amps are an excellent choice for any guitar recording scenario. Check out my LePou Plugins review here.