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Bricasti Design M7 Review – The Ultimate Reverb!

Hello there, welcome back to another new article. This time, I would like to introduce you Bricasti Design M7 Reverb unit which is in my opinion the ultimate reverb unit around! I have bumped into it recently and can’t stop listening to its algorithmic reverbs!

Must say, I’m totally blown away by the imagination, and the real feel of the sounds and immediately wanted to share it with you.

Before we begin, be aware that it’s a highly pricey and professional studio item. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy it for your personal audio needs as long as you have the budget 🙂

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Bricasti Design is a US company specialising in boutique-level professional audio equipment as well as consumer-grade equipment. In this particular article, we will be looking at the Bricasti Design Model 7 Stereo Reverb Processor.

Bricasti M7 offers the highest level of musicality while providing the easiest use. Combining the latest DSP processors with their next-generation reverb processing algorithms guarantees to blow your minds (or ears).

M7 stands out with its stainless steel chassis and beautifully constructed aluminium front panel paired with a minimalistic user interface. Before I provide you with all the tech specs that won’t be able to tell how this wonderful unit sounds, let’s listen to some of the best demo videos of M7 below.

Here’s the best demo of Bricasti M7 by Michael Nielsen: John Mayer’s infamous reverb guitar tones.

Bricasti M7 Review & Sound Demos

Check out Bricasti M7 availability and price here!

This next demo has been released by KMR Demo Room, a really sweet, focused sound demo of M7.

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Bricasti M7 Tech Specs

Bricasti M7 Tech Specs
AES 24 Bit Digital I/O
AES single wire 192k supported
Self-clocking to incoming sample rates 44.1k to 192k
6 State of the art dual-core Analog Devices DSPs
Analog Section Design Features and Performance
< 20 Picoseconds Jitter
Input level adjustable in 2 dB steps
Balanced XLR analogue I/O
24-bit conversion
Dual D/A
Fully-balanced, DC-coupled analogue input and output circuits
Analog Input A/D
Analog Input A/D
Dynamic Range >116 dB, A-Weighted
THD+N <.001 %
Frequency Response: 10 Hz - 20 kHz  < 0.05 dB
CMRR: > 100 dB @ <= 1 kHz
Maximum Input Level: +24 dBu
Minimum Input Level for 0 dBFS: +4 dBu
Analog Output D/A
Analog Output D/A
Dynamic Range: > 116 dB, A-Weighted
THD+N: < 0.001%
Frequency Response: 10 Hz - 20 kHz  < 0.05 dB
Maximum Output Level: +24 dBu

A complete luxury item for guitar players. Unless you’re pretty well off, I don’t think anyone can afford this. But if I had the chance one day, I would definitely behave in a spoiled way and get one of these for myself. 🙂

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I hope you like this short article, which introduces you to one of the best boutique-level reverb units. Thanks for visiting my blog and supporting me so far! I will hopefully see you in the next review here!

Osman Cenan Çiğil –

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