DR Strings Pure Blues Review PHR-11 – Smoothest Playing Feel!
DR Strings Pure Blues is a wonderful guitar string set for easiest playing feel with vintage vibe and touch sensitivity. Check out my DR Strings Pure Blues review.
Here in this section, you can find various guitar string reviews as well as bass guitar strings reviews, articles and tests.
DR Strings Pure Blues is a wonderful guitar string set for easiest playing feel with vintage vibe and touch sensitivity. Check out my DR Strings Pure Blues review.
Thomastik Infeld Power Brights is one of the most unique guitar strings ever with sweetest slzzle. Check out my Thomastik Infeld Power Brights review here.
D’Addario NYXL1164 offers excellent sounding, premium uncoated strings for your 7 string beasts! Check out my D’addario NYXL1164 review and find out if it’s worth it!
Ernie Ball 2226 Burly Slinky offers a superb playing experience for standard D tuning at an unbeateble price. Check out my Ernie Ball 2226 Burly Slinky review here.
Henry’s Strings is a young guitar strings company that stands out with their marketing efforts. But are their strings worth it? Check out my honest Henry’s Strings review here!
Pyramid electric strings 10-46 is an excellent value/money guitar strings for Eb tunings. Check out my Pyramid strings review and watch my test video here.
Ernie Ball Slinky 2837 is possibly the best short scale bass guitar strings on the market. Check out my Ernie Ball 2837 review here and have a listen!
Pyramid electric strings 011-048 is an excellent value/money guitar strings for drop tunings. Check out my Pyramid strings review and watch my test video here.
Elixir Strings is the best and longest lasting coated strings in the universe! See my long-term, honest Elixir guitar strings review here!
Pyramid electric strings 009-042 is an excellent sounding, one of the most affordable and best selling guitar strings while being made in Germany. Check out my real review!
Pyramid Strings is a long-established string manufacturer from Germany, offering possibly the highest-value strings! Check out my Pyramid 7 String review here.
La Bella HRS-73 is an excellent set of strings for drop tunings on your 7-string guitars. Check out my La Bella HRS-73 review and sound demo here!
Here’s a set of solid reasons about why you should trust my musical instruments & accessories, electric guitars, gear for music and software reviews.
Elixir, La Bella and Thomastik Infield strings are compared against each other on fretless electric guitar. See if you can hear the difference?