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Pyramid Electric Strings 10-46 Review – Excellent Choice For Eb

Hello there, welcome back to another guitar string review for you! This time we will be looking at one of the most affordable yet solid electric guitar strings, Pyramid electric strings 10-46. In this Pyramid electric strings review, I will briefly introduce you to this fantastic company and also provide you with a short but sweet demo!

My regular visitors are already aware that I have been testing Pyramid strings exclusively in recent months. I believe I have had almost all Pyramid string gauges for my electrics and have been using them for a while. Even though my all-time favourite guitar string brand is Elixir Guitar Strings, I still try different brands and sets and always publish my opinions under my guitar string reviews category.

I first started using Pyramid strings around two years ago exclusively for my Schecter Hellraiser Hybrid PT-7 7-string electric guitar and to be honest, really love them! Especially if you consider what you pay and what you get in return, it’s the best!

Check out my Pyramid 7 String review here.

Pyramid Strings Company

Pyramid Strings is a long-established small German company manufacturing German-made strings for almost any stringed instruments such as electric & acoustic guitars, basses, nylon strings, ukulele and banjo strings, violin, oud, bouzouki, saz, lute strings…etc They have been making strings since 1850, respect! 

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Check out all content featuring Pyramid strings here.

After I tried the 7-string version on my Schecter, I really liked them and already bought many including 7-strings, 9-42, 10-46 and 11-48 stock up enough for a year or so! 🙂 I have managed to use them for quite a long time and still have some in stock.

Pyramid Strings enough for a year!

Even though I also stock Elixir strings as they are my favourite strings, I still buy Pyramid strings to keep as a backup as well as to feature them on my blog. Fortunately, I managed to get a set of Pyramid Electric Strings 10-46 in November 2021 and almost forgot that I had it in my stash! 🙂 It’s also a good moment to test the lifespan of a set of Pyramid strings. After almost 2 years in my stock, it has no issues whatsoever, no corrosion or rust occurred!

I usually do not use 10-46 gauge unless I need E-flat tunning on my guitars. so as I have the last 10-46 in my stock, I wanted to feature it on my blog with my new gear as well! As with any Pyramid Strings model, they have been 100% consistent with quality, feel and sound every time! Kudos to their excellent quality assurance!

Pyramid 10-46 set features 10-13-17-26-36-46 strings and it’s an ideal choice for Eb tunings in my opinion.  As with many other Pyramid electric strings, Pyramid 10-46 is also one of the top-selling electric guitar strings among huge competitors.

In the 10 gauge electric guitar strings category, Pyramid 10-46 has 14th place among huge guitar string brands!

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Check out the best guitar pickup company, Seymour Duncan here!

Pyramid Strings 10-46

As I always mention, Pyramid strings are pretty standard and they may get corroded easily depending on your pH as well as environmental factors. Having said that, they are the first uncoated strings that don’t annoy me when corroded quickly as the price is unbeatable for the quality and lifespan.

If you want to have the spark of a new set of strings because you play/record frequently during a week (6-8 hours playing per day), I would suggest you change them at least once a week or two weeks at max.

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I already had Elixir Nanoweb 11-49 strings on my lovely Ibanez AR300 for about 8-9 months and was about to change the strings. However, for the first time in my life, I broke the high E on my Elixir set due to constant standard tuning and standard D and drop C tuning changes on the same guitar! So I had an enforced excuse to change my strings immediately. I wanted to also record the sped-up session and provide you with a chill video as well.

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Pyramid Strings 10-46 Review & Sound Demo (no talking)

In order to show you what Pyramid electric strings 010-046 sound like with Eb tuning, I have made a quick video. I used my lovely Ibanez AR300 along with Marshall JVM410H and RedSeven Amp Central going directly into my RME Babyface PRO audio interface.

I must say playing through a nice valve amp and a top-notch responsive load box with superb IRs has definitely made me enjoy these strings a lot! I think if you are on a budget and want to play Eb tunings on an LP scale, Pyramid 10-46 strings are your best bet! I still prefer Elixir strings in all cases as I really dislike the feeling of old strings and don’t like to change my strings every month.

On top of the quick test video that I shared, I also prepared a quick comparison between Pyramid 10-46 and Elixir Optiweb 19052. Pyramid strings were 8-10 hours old while Elixir strings were 5 hours old, so I believe it’s a fair comparison. As you can hear in the video, there is not much of an overall difference. However, I think the Elixir Optiweb series definitely sounds more bright and crispy.

Elixir Strings vs Pyramid Strings Comparison

I recommend Pyramid electric strings 010-046 to anyone who is looking for excellent-sounding yet very affordable strings while all made in Germany. In my opinion, Pyramid Strings is one of the most underestimated and overlooked string brands in the world. They are seriously excellent in quality and possibly provide the best value out of all guitar strings brands.

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I hope you have enjoyed this brief article and review on Pyramid 10-46. Thanks for visiting my blog and supporting me so far! I will hopefully see you in the next review here!

Osman Cenan Çiğil –

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